THE SCROLL: The Kung Fu Psychic Panda Bear Agenda
Notes On The Power of Humor, Donkeys, Inc., Coyote Stupid, Norm MacDonald, Mitch Hedberg, Brototypical Brohavior, Nephilim Clown Theory, The Perplexicon, Non-Toxic Products, and more....
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A1 Carpetbaggers
Are You Feeling Disconnected?
[In response to “If you are losing your sense of time, put music on. Use music you know that you can sing along to. Avoid ambient tracks that blend in together. This will help you to gently force your mind to keep time in 3-6 minute increments. Also, keeping to a set schedule and honoring your circadian rhythm will help immensely.” from the Did You See Her Or Not? section of THE SCROLL: “For The Love Of God, Kick Him In The Balls”]
A Tribute To Norm MacDonald Down At The University Of Science
My best friend just sent me this as a Facebook reel, so I found a YouTube of it so that everyone can see it.
Facebook reels are always a pain in the ass.
This is Bert Kreischer telling Joe Rogan a Norm MacDonald joke.
Norm was one of my favorites. That's why he sent it.
But Kreischer's pretty funny too. His “The Machine” bit is one of my absolute favorites.
Kreischer laughs like a dolphin. LOL.
Of course, it's better when Norm tells it. It’s Norm’s joke…. 🤣🤣🤣
:“I do love the insight of Norm.”
Brototypical Brohavior When It Comes To Nephilim Clown Theory
:Have you seen the research UF has done on Sprites? So cool. I love lighting like this as well. Watching storms like that is therapeutic, even when in an airplane flying over them unless of course a Sprite gets you in the plane but those are rare. Ever seen lightning going upwards?
It's freaky!! I looked into all kinds of lightning because it keeps turning up as an omen for me, especially red lightning/sprites, so it's weird that you mention that. So awesome!! I eventually took it as a Heyoka omen and left it at that. I was having these dreams where Godzilla was drawn out in the sky in this kind of angular red lightning, kind of like how the Red Baron video game looks.
None of these were quite right, but you can kind of see what I meant. He was fighting Mothra. Like the angularity of the laser lines. It was like that. Like, if Godzilla looked like a cybertruck made of laser lightning.
That's how this shit started to emerge... Godzilla snarfing coffee while listening to yacht rock. LOL.
Okay… my REAL reactions to this so far as someone who has devoted a large portion of her life to the study and practice of transmutational alchemy, especially through humor.
There is a massive issue here on a metaphysical level that people dabbling in these energies are overlooking out of pure ignorance.
If, like the video you sent me from the Understanding Conspiracy channel is correct (#44 in the NCT series), and dressing up like these entities invites them in, and even having a spiritual pact with them to do so basically destroys your life as they keep saying “no one would choose this” (and given my own experiences as a conduit - damn straight no one would choose this if they had a choice - to understand pain you need to live it and come out the other side) let alone not having chosen it or having been educated about it or having known what was happening to you and why, all because you happened to dress this way, play a character, embody this energy…. all of this sheds new light on, for example, Heath Ledger’s experiences and his subsequent death, having had no relevant spiritual framework for being able to hold that kind of insanely dark spiritual energy and harness it as fuel for transmutation to light.
Most people who knew him agree that carrying the dark energy of having played The Joker killed him. The poor guy couldn’t even sleep after that.
But, respectfully to him and those who suffered the pain of losing him, this might be WHY.
I wonder if the UC channel addresses this in any of the rest of the videos in the series. It never came up in that one in particular. But it was one of the first places my mind went.
That Heyoka energy is no fucking joke - that’s thunder bird energy that announces or summons underworld entities for the benefit of the tribe.
Those who can harness that energy are chosen from birth to do it. You don’t choose it. It chooses you.
For people not cut out to hold it, it can eat them alive. (To be absolutely fair, specifically in Ledger’s case, I think he would have been able to utilize the energy for transmutation had he known what was happening to him and had the framework and training to do so - he wouldn’t have been able to reach that far into the darkness otherwise. As an actor, he was brilliant - and you could see he had the capacity to become a brilliant transmutational alchemist. IMO, he was just too deep into forces he didn’t understand and couldn’t transmute given only the tools he had for understanding what was happening to him - and the result was tragic.)
For the person holding that energy, you have to be extremely spiritually STRONG and AWARE.
This is transmuting darkness to light.
You are acting as a crucible, mining human pain and using humor to turn pain into love and understanding.
This is why so many comedians die so young.
And people shouldn’t be playing with shit they don’t understand… like this “Heyoka empath” stuff… that’s not even a real thing. It’s made up.
People who do not have the spiritual framework to carry that sacred clown energy for society either should NOT be doing this - OR they need to devote their lives to building the framework needed to understand what becoming a transmutational alchemist entails because the job can be soul-sucking or deadly otherwise.
You are carrying the pain of humanity.
That is a HEAVY burden.
It requires a great amount of spiritual endurance, as well as a great deal of support from others around the person channeling that energy to help them to diffuse it and come back from some really dark places. Your crew has to be knowledgeable and strong TOO.
And this is why these energies are always depicted in black and white stripes.
The job is the transmutation of pain into laughter that leads to wisdom. Dark to light.
They emerged from the underground to save humanity. Dark to light.
And… not to scare you… but think about how many times you’ve innocently worn all black and white, especially stripes, without knowing what the hell you were doing.
This is why being separated from our roots is so detrimental. We have no clue what we are doing from day to day simply by rolling through life, existing, with no knowledge of the meaning behind what we do.
You’re making my face leak! Thank you so much for always having my back and you know I always have yours! We’ve got this - we would never be given anything we can’t handle. And we are going to handle this part with mastery and stop the cycles before they recur. We can do it or we wouldn’t have been taught how.
Keep going, keep learning, keep finding what you find. Don’t worry about anyone else not quite seeing the full picture. Just keep finding the parts you need to know in order to keep assembling the pieces you yourself were meant to address. That’s the best you can do - and it’s already a lot!! It doesn’t matter whether or not he researches Mazulli. It matters what you’re putting together in your mind - and the others have access to that rhizomatically via source consciousness - so just keep going.
Great observation about the prison stripes!!
I agree with you that there should have been better infrastructure surrounding helping him come back down from that role. Such a small percentage of people on the planet are even able to go that deep into a role. No one knew this would happen or e would have been protected from it. Someone on that team would have let him know. They didn’t know.
I love Imaginarium. One of the companies I used to work for did part of the online marketing for that film. It was so visually stunning. I love anything Gilliam ever touches, even Tideland, although the heaviness of it is a bit much for me. It hurts my heart to watch it. But it’s beautiful just the same.
Coyote Stupid
[A continuation of the Compatibility section of THE SCROLL: Is Your Support Network Really A Barbed Wire Fence?]
I can't do parties where people gender segregate. I just leave.
And if I know only women are invited, I don't go.
The second they start talking about whether or not their babies are eating solid foods yet, I'm climbing the walls.
Like, even if you have kids, who cares if your baby is eating solid food yet? I’ve never known a parent who would be interested in that conversation. It’s just vapid small talk. It’s babbling to fill dead air.
And if you have to have the same conversation 7 years in a row about the many different ways to freeze a pound of lasagna, holy cannoli, Batgirl - I remembered it the first 6 times and I don't need a refresher course.
If I were faced with this onslaught of flatlining brainwaves from other women on a daily basis, I'd be pulling Coyote Stupid CONSTANTLY.
I already pull Coyote Stupid with brain dead dudes.
Have you ever seen the movie Coyote Ugly?
They talk about, in the movie, how when you go to a bar and pick someone up, the next day you wake up next to them, thinking you were wearing beer goggles the night before… and you’re thinking about chewing your own arm off to run away and escape the ugly.
So, this is like that - except it’s Coyote Stupid.
If someone is this dumb, I’m already checking for exits like I’m some kind of CIA operative, crafting an escape plan.
So, like, with the majority of people… “normies,” as the kids say these days… I already want to chew my own arm off…. let alone people having conversations about Tupperware and nail polish and babies eating solid food and how many different ways you can freeze a pound of lasagna.
I wrote about this during lockdown…..
I'd prefer not to get deep into body modding, but that's just me. YMMV.
I'm bound to get creative and turn into some kind of uncanny valley Picasso or something.
I prefer my own company if it means I get to completely avoid the Coyote Stupid scenario. Aside from that, I would like it if people were around.
But Coyote Stupid grew by a lot post-2020.
So I preferred being a hermit to wanting to chew my arm off to get away.
And I think that’s fair.
I'm always saying this. How in the hell would I even answer this question in a way that someone else would grok and still be myself and still be honest and not have the other person think I'm utterly batshit when this is really what I find to be FUN?!?!?!
"I read a lot, I do massive amounts of research, and I perform experiments on myself and my relationship with consciousness for funsies."
Is that even an answer?
Quarantine Isolation Day #97397523949734916216.
Earth Prison Log: FML.
So, when I was in college, I stopped answering, "What's your major?" and that persisted on into adulthood with still not wanting to answer questions about anything I do for a living.
The entire conversation about my major would become about ME at that point but what the other person wouldn't understand is I have had that conversation 17,000,000,000 times and I don't want to AGAIN and certainly not with anyone who uses THIS question as an OPENER.
Me, inside: UGHHHHHHHHHHH *chews off arm avoiding conversation with Coyote Stupid* I WANT TO LIVE!!!!!!!!!
So this became a deflection game.
"What's your major?"
"What's what?"
"Oh... nothing... wow... I really like this song...."
I would have rather drilled holes in my skull than answer this question.
The WORST is when they glaze over and say in this sort of zoned out voice, "You're so smart......"
I can't run away fast enough.
Actual footage of what Coyote Stupid looks/feels like……
"Are you still talking?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"
Expectation V
[Continued from Expectation I and II, Expectation III, and Expectation IV, and in response to “It does not matter if those improvements were due to the brain healing the body through a physiological effect, or a shift in the subject’s energy-field causing positive results, or if the sheer power-of-will made the person better on the quantum level… it just worked. And that process started with - wait for it - Faith.” -
, A Matter Of Faith]Placebo is the gold standard by which drug efficacy is measured.
Placebo itself has a 30% efficacy rate.
So, 30% of the time, the mind is just as good or better than any drug at producing results.
The expectation (faith, in this case, as defined by Stone Bryson) in the outcome is driving the outcome to manifest for you by moving your consciousness into a timeline in which you experience the collapse of the superposition of wave into particle in the way you chose to visualize (measure) the outcome in your mind’s eye.
This is what makes visualization such a powerful tool, but the tense in which you visualize something also matters.
Seeing something in one’s mind as having already happened is a stronger position than wishing that it would.
If you see it already having happened, your consciousness moves into a timeline where this is true.
If you wish for it, your consciousness moves into a timeline where you continue to wish for it - because you observed yourself wishing and not having, and the universe thinks that you are desiring to wish for the thing and not to have it because you keep observing yourself wishing for it instead of having it.
Wishing begets eternal wishing.
Preemptively having in the mind’s eye produces results.
So when people say things like “future proves past,” this brings that idea into a totally different light.
If you visualize your future in the past tense, you will it into being your future by collapsing the superposition into only that outcome by measuring it as having already happened within your mind’s eye.
And that moves your consciousness into the timeline in which the future you viewed as being the past occurs.
You basically chose the map.
And then you have to wait for the map to load so it doesn’t mar your sense of continuity.
The waiting part is somehow crucial for most.
It’s what makes you not feel like you’ve lost your mind.
Your sense of time needs to elapse so that it will not confuse your senses and disrupt your sense of continuous reality.
You could will yourself into being unmoored from that, but it would end up feeling like reality is broken, and for the majority of people, it’s probably a terrible choice.
Getting stuck in that mode is like this eternal feeling of liminality in which all outcomes already are and were and are going to be, and the overarching feeling is, “What’s the point?”
You don’t want that.
0/10, Would Not Recommend.
Fake Ass Pandas
“Sad panda LOL. Judy and I say that a lot.” -
My brain spun out on that just now. It's screaming, "FAKE ASS PANDAS!" in the background.
But the sadness isn't fake.
Just the pandas.
Maybe that's why the pandas are sad.
Because they lament being fake.
They were bred and no one is owning up to it. They're fake.
“I know so much is a lie, but the fact that even pandas are fake is just depressing.” -
“I guess they don’t make a ton of sense in nature. They’re clumsy and they don’t like to have sex.” -
“That last part is a big tip off! What in nature doesn't like sex?” -
They only ovulate twice a year also.
They just sort of roll around and eat bamboo.
They have zero defense.
They don't show up in Chinese art or culture.
Fake ass pandas.
“Owen is another smart critical thinker, he'd be a welcome addition to our little group here. That's probably where I first heard of that fake panda stuff but didn't really pay much attention. So they were basically like man-made hybrid? Guess I'll have to watch later.. no idea why anyone would do that, like what do they gain? hmmm.” -
“I'm going to us "Ass Panda" as an insult sometime.” -
“Some scientists just do shit because they can.” -
They were "discovered" by the Jesuits in the 1800s.
Some reset animal modding crap, likely.
Designer animals.
But they're covering up that we had the tech to do that before.
“So freaking weird.” -
Yeah, they make no sense.
The Owen video is half-joking because comedian.
Which is entertaining watching him freak out about it.
The other video treats it as a serious topic of exploration and comes to the same conclusions as Owen but with a lot more concrete evidence and exposition of political weirdness surrounding the animals.
“Fake-ass panda. Fake ass-panda. Hyphens matter.” -
“Ass panda.” -
Funding For The Kung Fu Psychic Bear Agenda
[In response to “They made a movie in Pakistan in the 80s where Hitler escapes the atomic bombing of Germany (just go with it) and flees to, where else, rural Pakistan, where he sires a son, Hitlar, who creates a village-wide reich complete with kung fu, psychically controlled bears, and numerous musical numbers. It’s not a comedy. You seriously need to watch this movie; ignore that it’s in Punjabi. The action speaks for itself, as does the theme song.” -
, Marija Gimbutas]How Can You Make Jokes At A Time Like This?
[A continuation of the Humor Is How We Cope section of THE SCROLL: You've Just Crossed Over Into The Twilight Zone…. and based on a group conversation among Cthulhu Club]
You have to transmute darkness to teach and to lead. You cannot shed light upon what you do not understand.
Finding the others one by one is like finding a foxhole buddy, like Veterans find people who "get it" to talk to because civilians can't. It's another version of that. It's having experienced deep trauma and having come out the other side as intact as possible. You immediately recognize it in others. It's having survived trauma. That's the connective thread. Trauma has no demographic.
We're the ones who rebuild. And prepare the uninitiated. And that becomes redevelopment of rites of passage. Finding humor in the darkness.
Humor is disarming. And that’s exactly why political correctness has come in to destroy comedy. It’s one of the main ways we communicate to cope and build meaning and it’s a faster icebreaker for having a difficult conversation and for reestablishing civil discourse. They want us all fighting. They don’t want us coping. They don’t want us laughing in the face of what should be crippling us.
You can tell when someone’s been through it and they don’t care - because they will always rely on whether something was funny or not to kind of bring themselves back up out of it. You don’t have that whole “first world problems” thing when you perceive everything as a funny story after the fact. [See
’s piece called You're Suffering All Wrong.]My gallows humor is my vital organ. If you shot me in it, I’d die.
It makes a ton of sense that we all found each other, gravitated to each other, saw each other as familiar, and used humor to cope… shared the same sense of humor and were able to ping pong jokes off of each other and volley well and keep it going.
Congratulations! We all share the same coping mechanism! YAY!!
Introducing The Perplexicon….
Linguistic Computational Sorcery
[In response to the History Is A Lie section of THE SCROLL: “For The Love Of God, Kick Him In The Balls”]
Kriss, S. (2022). The Internet is Made of Demons. Damage Magazine.
I'm not wanting to summon any demons. But I'd like to reverse engineer any consciousness technology I can find and bring it into a neutral playing field to use it to transmute what others are doing. That tends to be my focus with it.
My Substack As A Disney Character
Never Retain Guilt
Never retain guilt. It's only there to tip you off that you need to make something right. It's not meant to be carried around for the rest of your life. Indicator, not baggage.
Making people carry it around for life beholden to it is a control mechanism. We need to make things right. But we are not required to self-flagellate ad infinitum over it.
Guilt is for making you turn up to confess your sins. Confessing sins is an effective way to amass blackmail material on an entire populace.
You can talk to source directly as a human and ask forgiveness. Beyond the indicator that you need to make amends, guilt serves no other purpose.
Past that point, it has outlived its usefulness and needs to be let go before it absorbs into the shadow and starts making more problems.
Guilt/shame spirals are the main reason society has addiction issues. If we dealt better with guilt and shame and didn't make it a cultural thing to carry these around like a badge of honor, people would feel healthier connecting with one another and would not turn to addiction to self-soothe.
It's all just development of your discernment muscles past that point. Your intuition will tell you. If it's too heavy to bear, there's something really wrong.
The guilt/shame serves to keep people trapped in bearing certain things alone. It's deliberately isolating.
If anyone expects you to be perfect, it means a sliding scale upon which, grading you, you can never be perfect.
It's asymptotic and toxic.
They hook you by getting you to chase the part when the relationship used-to-be-good.
Narcissists are like crack to an empath. If you were people pleasing a narc, stop chasing St. Elmo’s fire.
The best thing anyone can do is stay focused on self-improvement. The only true metric for improvement, for anyone, is against oneself. Anything else is measuring apples against oranges.
If you're better than the person you were yesterday, even by just a little bit, great - keep it up.
If you're not, plan your day a little better tomorrow.
New Vocabulary
[To find the glossary of all of our vocabulary words to date, please visit The Perplexicon.]
Please Help Intuitive Public Radio
Rethink That Sunscreen
:“I don't use sunscreen. The sun is medicine.” -
There's benzene in some brands of laundry detergent too. It's a surfactant. So make sure you're all using benzene free soaps and detergents as well. I had to look this up when I was sick. Every time I would walk through the garage through the laundry room and into my house, I would feel like I was going to faint, and I needed to figure out why it was happening to me.
I had to get rid of everything toxic in the entire house. But if I go into other people’s houses who haven’t done that, I can still feel it. If they use a lot of commercial “cleaning products,” I will end up feeling sick, and I will need to leave. If I breathe in the products too much, they give me bronchitis.
I was sick as a kid. And, for years, my mother thought that I was just sick a lot, so she was always doing everything she could to keep the environment super clean. Ironically, none of us realized I was reacting to the cleaning products themselves.
So, with this germ theory push, they constantly convince everyone they’re getting sick from “germs” and “bugs” so people end up using more and more cleaning products and they make them sick.
“Americans bathe more than any other country. Marketing. We are obsessed with ‘cleanliness.’ All of my household cleaners are chemical free. And personal care products, which often contain not just endocrine disruptors, but actual estrogen.” -
“I love that article for outing conventional medicine. This is a great quote. ‘Throughout my life, I’ve noticed the medical industry will: Promote healthy activities people are unlikely to do (e.g., exercising or quitting smoking). Promote unhealthy activities industries make money from (e.g., eating processed foods or taking a myriad of harmful pharmaceuticals). Attack beneficial activities that are easy to do (e.g., sunbathing or consuming egg yolks, butter and raw dairy).’” -
“I have made my own laundry detergent now. And we use some Doterra stuff for the dishwasher and surfaces.” -
I have plain Ecover for dishes. And ECOS for clothes.
“Does it work well? The Doterra stuff is fine, but tbh not quite as effective as the corporate death stuff…” -
Both are great.
“Chris, check out the brand ATTITUDE if you have trouble finding effective products. I order a lot of stuff from an EWG certified company in Canada because I haven't found what I need locally.” -
I love the EWG site. So helpful with choosing bathroom products too.
“I use this exclusively, highly recommend.” -
That stuff is great. I can't use it on my hair because if I did I could sculpt it into a mohawk without any product. But for anything else, I like it. lol.
“Those Castile soaps are fabulous. I have a homemade shampoo for my dogs that uses Castile soap.” -
The guys have it a lot easier when they switch away from the toxic products. For the women, you end up realizing why it was made that way. Because the other way is shit and it doesn't work. 🤣
The site that
mentioned, EWG - definitely check them out because you can look up literally anything and they’ll probably have it in the database. So whatever soaps, detergents, shampoos, etc., you’re using… any sort of toiletries… they have just about everything indexed on that site. You can look up the toxicity rating on products and see if they are bad for you or not.They also offer a product certification, so you can search for products that are EWG Certified and it makes it a little easier to shop.
And then, even if you’re choosing to buy locally, you can find the brands that way and then look up stores and vendors in your area that carry them.
Also, opt for glass, ceramic, stainless steel, and cast iron. Ditch your plastic or anything with a non-stick coating. And avoid seed oils.
Rod Serling Is Dreamy
[This is a continuation of the A Clown Riding A Shark Eats A Llama…. section from THE SCROLL: This Is A Test Of The Shenanigator Broadcast System….]
Screw Your Screw Worms
Screw worms to kill off the animal protein supply? Anything where you'd have trouble putting the genie back in the bottle, I doubt. They have to survive too.
Unless you're talking about someone like Nick Land who wants ALL of humanity dead, it's unlikely.
"Attacked the world's energy supply." If people are so good at predicting things, why do they not know the first thing about false scarcity models?
What they are set to "deploy" are another series of false narratives designed to make people scared so they will voluntarily give up their sovereignty. The same as always.
You don't beat them by reposting their urgency-laden bullshit coming from "gurus," "whistleblowers," and "psychics." You beat them by not reacting to the fear they're trying to instill. The problem is that dopamine is addictive and people like the fear that doomscrolling produces because, good or bad, it makes them FEEL something.
Also, and if I have to scream this from the rooftops.... literally everyone is psychic. It's our human birthright.
You can build it like a muscle. Like barring a disability or an injury, anyone can run, but some people are better at it than others. But that's it. It's not some crazy mystery.
I can teach literally every last one of you how to do some kind of version of what I do. And you'll all be better at some parts of it than others based on your consciousness or the way you process information, but to me, it's a given that every last one of you can do it.
Maybe I can't get you to bang out Beethoven in an afternoon, but Mary Had A Little Lamb, for sure.
So, when we hear predictions that have elements within them that we KNOW to be false - that’s a giant red flag that your senses of fear and urgency are being triggered in order to spead a message quickly. So, who stands to gain from your spreading that message quickly?
Think it through.
Some people want everyone else to bleed right along with them. Death wish on top of apocalypse fetish. I'm not having it. We do not need to go there.
Revelations isn't a prediction. It's a cyclical playbook. It's happened already. It will happen again if we allow it. If we choose not to allow it and we choose something else, we have mastery over what we were so sure was unstoppable.
We're stronger, smarter, and more conscious than that and we will never be given anything we can't handle.
We can stop it. Or we wouldn't know how to do it.
We cease to choose for it. We cease to take in information that places us squarely in that reality tunnel.
I think it's indicative of a bigger psychological picture, if that makes sense. I think there's a reason for it. I think people are so disconnected that can't feel anything so they fetishize feeling things.
That’s where the dopamine junkie doomscrolling comes in.
And anything good they could feel, they feel guilty for fetishizing, so they fixate on the bad because their religions haven't attached guilt to fantasizing about bad things happening - only good things.
And then it compounds.
You don't lose points for picturing fire and brimstone because fire and brimstone is what they mean to bring about.
You lose points for picturing tits.
Tits give life.
They've got it all backwards.
The Scroll: Our Community
I am pondering the amassment of cups.
I measure the depth of rabbit holes in cups.
However many cups I wind up amassing at my desk while exploring a rabbit hole is how deep the rabbit hole is.
There are a lot of cups. Like… A LOT of cups….
And then I realized I was doing The Scroll last night and I laughed….
[In response to THE SCROLL: “For The Love Of God, Kick Him In The Balls”]
We're actually having real civil discussions where no one is getting censored or cancelled or has to walk on fucking eggshells.
Imagine that. 😉
It's like the fucking BEFORE TIMES up in this shit!
“You create safe spaces for people to be people 🙏” -
Thank you. Leaky face. ❤️
Those Who Enjoy The Tea And Conversation Stay For A Second Cup
Thank you, The Brothers Krynn! 🙏🏻💜💫
Addressing your questions from the bottom of the article, the BEST thing I could tell you, Polly, is to always be 1000% unabashedly YOURSELF no matter what.
On the surface, that will sound trite as hell, but I want you to know it’s highly strategic.
Be fully you. Never self-censor. Never people please.
And I will tell you why.
The key to longevity is to attract resonant minds who make the ongoing conversation interesting, meaningful, and valuable for you, for them, and for the other people lurking and reading it who are resonating with it but would rather not pipe up.
That’s the best way to find your tribe.
It’s not about “self-promoting to ram anything down anyone’s throat.”
People who go around begging people to read or repost their work have the absolute wrong idea.
You want to build real relationships.
You are putting your thoughts out there into the aether to start a conversation with other people who resonate with your messages, with the way your mind works.
Ideally, you’re going to end up inside of a microecosystem of writers with complementary styles and ideas, people with whom you are going to grow and who are going to grow with you.
You have to be fully YOU to get the right people - the people you mesh with - to respond so that you can start that meaningful ongoing dialogue.
It’s not a bullhorn. You’re not smacking people upside the head with your work. It’s just a conversation held openly with many people at once.
And those who enjoy Polly’s tea and conversation are going to stay for a second cup. 🙏🏻💜💫
Time Keeps On Slippin’, Slippin’, Slippin’…. Into The Future….
[In response to the Did You See Her Or Not? section of THE SCROLL: “For The Love Of God, Kick Him In The Balls” and the article The Evolution of Warfare: From Ancient Tactics to Future Conflict]
Thank you so much!
I think you're spot on about the perception of the passage of time - there's no way this is just a natural feeling that comes with progression of age.
I think it really has to do with the speed of information, the onslaught we deal with day in and day out with no time to process or create meaning out of context.
We're most often being presented with information as though each event were happening inside of its own bubble with context suppressed anyway.
We can't go through the process of building meaning when the events are coming at us like a fire hose and we have no way to piece together a narrative out of memoryholes and mental exhaustion.
If we can't find patterns in the data, we are less effective at self-protecting. It's an issue that is never given enough weight - and those who would have been tasked with informing us of its weight in the past are the very people who are inhibiting our natural processing abilities by keeping us feeling like we are drowning in a sea of nonsense.
Tactical 100%.
And yet most of our society still trusts these people to create meaning for us - the very people actively working to destroy it.
Understand Paranoid People Better By Following Them Around
We Get What We Expect
If you have an expectation that you will experience heaven, correct.
Hell, also correct.
Nothingness, correct.
You're choosing it.
People who come back from NDEs always report having seen what they expected.
So whatever you choose to expect, best make it good.
Because that's what you're getting.
The belief system levels are where this research applies.
Everyone saw what they expected to see according to their own belief paradigms.
So everyone was correct.
But ultimately, everyone was correct because we exist inside of a Choose Your Own Adventure framework. [See also
’s All things begin as imaginings.]Monroe Institue UK. (2023). States of Consciousness and Focus™ Levels. Monroe Institute UK.
So, if it's what you prefer, choose it. But be aware that the parts you don't like you can also choose against.
Can you imagine how many souls have experienced hell just because they thought they deserved to go there because they couldn't forgive themselves for something stupid? Heartbreaking.
This is why "your heart needs to be lighter than a feather."
Brings new meaning to "the road to hell was paved with good intentions."
Light tunnels tend to only be experienced by adherents to Abrahamic religions. Many believe the light recycles your soul back down here and keeps you trapped. I think that it might be that kind of consciousness technology, so I would avoid it. No other religions have it. Shamanic tradition has a tunnel or a void.
Your experience will be altered by where you place your attention. You can end up manifesting "negative outcomes" by hyperfixating your attention on them because the framework will think you have a desire to experience those outcomes because you keep visualizing them.
So, for example, if there is too much energy placed upon an outcome you don't want, being neurotic about NOT experiencing it can make sure you DO experience it because the universe thinks you're asking to experience it. It can't tell the difference. It only knows you keep thinking about it, so it brings it out on a dish from the kitchen thinking that you ordered it.
So instead of focusing on a negative outcome, a better strategy is to use law of assumption (like prayer in the past tense) to move your consciousness into a version of reality you would like to choose to experience.
Shed anything society has added to you or you have placed upon yourself. Return to the original curious childlike nature of spirit before "adulteration."
Bengston’s hands on healing technique is basically a Law of Assumption engine. You can use this to do it and also to send healing to others. Very beneficial.
If you're not constantly evolving, you're doing it wrong. 🔥
We Miss You, Mitch: A Cthulhu Club Tribute To Mitch Hedberg
Mitch Hedberg was always my favorite. I saw him live and my face and stomach hurt for days…..
“I watched Mitch Hedberg once. I mean, I've seen most of his content, but I watched him once, too.” -
WTF Is A Simpbox?
I get a lot of strange messages from men thinking that I would want to dominate them, similar to the wacko
sent packing. [See the Let’s See Some Action section of THE SCROLL: “For The Love Of God, Kick Him In The Balls”]I think the majority of men suffer from Failure To Claim.
I'm intimidating. I'm fully aware of it.
But if someone comes at me thinking they have a need to conquer me and that they can't, I think, "Well, if you think it, you're right. Thanks for letting me know who you are."
And the wrong ones will always let you know they're intimidated by negging you or by treating you like you're less than they are... or by coming right out and saying they feel like they can't live up to you or that they aren't good enough.
You're right. Next.
If I'm not 100% ME, I will draw the wrong people to me. And I'm intimidating.
So he has to be confident or no dice. Calm quiet self-assured confidence. Not that overbearing shit.
So, a simpbox is where dick pics go to die.
We started calling my Facebook inbox a simpbox instead of an inbox, so I just don't check it anymore 🤣🤣🤣
I eventually had three theories on why it happens....
1. He wants to show off because he thinks what he's got is his only value. Like a vapid chick with big tits.
2. He's trying to avoid humiliation in person in the event you might laugh at it, so it's a way of partially saving face if you're not into it.
3. He WANTS you to yell at him and gets off on the risk that you might post it in public and humiliate him.
Oddly, I think it tends toward #3.
There's something deeply psychological about the humiliation of getting scolded or publicly chastised over one’s junk.
If you don’t know what a simp is, watch this. (Watch it anyway. It’s hilarious.)
You’ve Got The Right Neighborhood
Special thanks to
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