Created by popular demand, THE PERPLEXICON is a glossary of all of the vocabulary words, portmanteautally amazeballs with awesomesauce and otherwise, that we have either acquired from others or concocted ourselves on The Starfire Codes, most notably within the SFC weekly series The Scroll.
This list is by no means comprehensive. This page will serve as a living document and will be expanded over time….
"Knowledge of languages is the doorway to wisdom." -- Roger "Crispy" Bacon
"When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said in a rather a scornful tone, 'it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less'
'The question is,' said Alice, 'whether you can make words mean so many different things.'"
'The question is,' said Humpty Dumpty, 'which is to be master—that's all.'"
-- Lewis "Christmas" Carroll
ACK-A-FOO - To display foolish or indiscretionary behavior.
ANAL-OPTICAL SCLEROSIS - When one’s head is shoved so far up one’s own ass that one develops a shitty outlook on life.
AWESOMESAUCE - Something which is awesome.
CRUELITES - Elites who are cruel.
CUNT HAIR - Measurement of minuscule distances.
DICK ROLLING - This is similar to Rickrolling or sending dick pics, except it is accomplished by sending someone photos of people named Richard instead of sending them real dick pics. Examples:
FUCKKNUCKLE - One who is hierarchically superior to a douchenozzle.
LEAKY FACE - When your faceholes have sprung leaks because you’re crying but you don’t want to say so because that would mean openly admitting to having feels.
LURKLE-DURKLE - To lurk while workle-durkling or hurkle-durkling.
METASARCHOTIC - When one is self-reflexively sarchotically sarchotic about being sarchotic.
NEWMANNOYED - Being annoyed by Cathy Newman-like bad-faith projections and awkward attempts at narrative crafting.
NEWMANOID - Those who adopt Cathy Newman’s rabidly insistent verbal posturing from when she said to Lobster Pete “So, what you’re saying is…” during their infamous date interview, regardless of what LP was, in fact, actually saying.
ORAFICE - A toxic work environment full of assholes.
PHILANTHROPATH - A psychopath posing as a philanthropist.
PORTMANTEAUALLY AWESOME - When a word or phrase is totally awesome while also made up of one or more portmanteux. Can also be used in reference to a person who makes up many portmanteaux.
RAYCATION - A vacation in which the sole purpose is to read for days on end.
RUSTY SPOONGASM - Rusty + Spoon + Orgasm. The reaction that a creeper who is reminiscent of the character Salad Fingers would have to the feel of rust-coated objects.
SHIDIOT - A cross between a shithead and an idiot.
SIMPBOX - An inbox when it is full of messages from simps.
SPUDDLEPARTMENTALIZATION - Spuddle + compartmentalization.
SPUDDLEPARTMENTS - Departments within the government and other such organizations in which pervasive endemic spuddling occurs.
TRAFFUCKED - When you’re fucked because you’re stuck in traffic and you’re already running late.
TUPPERWARE BRIGADE - Normie women who gender segregate themselves at parties to talk about nail polish and how many different ways you can freeze a pound of lasagna.
TWERKLE-DURKLE - To twerk while workle-durkling or hurkle-durkling.
ULTRACREPIDARIAN - Expressing views on matters outside of one’s area of knowledge or expertise; widely called “talking out of one’s ass.”
UTARDIA - A barren, scorched land full of midwits who think that any time you describe any form of governance other than the status quo, you must be claiming that it would be a ‘utopia.’
WORKLE-DURKLE - See hurkle-durkle, but instead of lounging around, one is working from bed or the couch.
THE BROSSARY is an ongoing list of words you already know which have been modified into brodog portmanteaux by adding bro- to the word in question.
BROCABULARY - bro + vocabulary
BROCUREMENT - bro + procurement
BRODOG - bro + dog
BRODACIOUS - bro + bodacious
BROFANITIES - bro + profanities
BROFESS - bro + profess
BROFESSOR - bro + professor
BROFESSIONAL - bro + professional
BROFESIONALISM - bro + professionalism
BROFFANT - bro + bouffant
BROFOUND - bro + profound
BROGOS - bro + logos
BROGRAM - bro + program
BROHAVIOR - bro + behavior
BROHIBITIVE - bro + prohibitive
BROLIFIC - bro + prolific
BROLONGED - bro + prolonged
BROMANCE - bro + romance
BROMANS - bro + Romans
BROMANTIC - bro + romantic
BROMATION - bro + brumation
BROMATO - bro + tomato
BROMIDE - bro + bromide
BROTASSIUM - bro + potassium
BROTATO - bro + potato
BROTECTION - bro + protection
BROTOTYPICAL - bro + prototypical
BROUTIFUL - bro + beautiful
BROVADO - bro + bravado
BROVIATE - bro + bloviate
BROZERK - bro + berserk
RECTAL BROLAPSE - bro + rectal prolapse
UNBROFESSIONAL - bro + unprofessional
Ehyeog ahuh'eog ot cthulhu club ah nafl l' yog ai cthulhu club, mgng if ymg' l' gotha yog ai cthulhu club, ymg' ahor ahuaaah fahf l' ain'ghft english ph'nglui r'lyehian.
Special thanks to Perplexicon contributors: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , and .