Holy crap, man. The feet on the building allowing you to pick up energy from that space is so intuitively easy to get. It really makes me think. I have discounted my "magical thinking " for long enough. This story has really hit home.

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Hands down, one of the craziest things that ever happened to me. And it took me years to understand it enough to feel like I know what happened. Or sort of a close approximation of what that might have been.

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9/11/01. I call it "the day they flipped the script!" or "The day they lost control!"

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Apr 25Liked by The Starfire Codes

I was at the WTC on August 16, 2001 waiting for a ferry to take me across the river to NJ to see Radiohead play. I looked up at the WTC and saw a plane crash into one of them in my 3rd eye. I told my friend with me, “if they can crash a plane into the Empire State Building, this is an open target.” He called me the morning of 9/11 in shock, asking me how I knew. I didn’t know that I did…but I did.

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Thanks for sharing.

I think I cut myself off from receiving in babyhood and am not sure how to let down invisible walls I built.

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Many of the daily channeled messages address this because so many of the people in this group are going through the same thing, learning to tap in or how to tap back in after shutting it off for a while. I was called to share this and I think that's why I was guided to discuss this part of my journey, which was very painful for me. I suggest starting with building a daily meditation practice. The channeled messages have guided meditations in them each day that fit the theme of the reading. I also recommend transcendental meditation to learn to quiet the mind and listen to the intuition. Today's reading had to do with this as well. Messages will start coming back through when you stay present, quiet the mind and listen. I'll grab you the link....

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Thanks. I do listen to a few of the daily meditations but yeah, it isn't a daily habit as much as daydreaming is. Today's was a nice one - travel, I like the freedom to live a gypsy occasionally but having a homestead is nice too. You can not be at both places at the same time though - unless you are a wildcrafter maybe and bring your kitchen and tools with you. Think, think, think. Peace be with you!

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