2022 Channeled Messages

The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Anything That Is Programmed Can Be Reprogrammed
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Don't Let Other People Decide Who You Are
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Change Your Thoughts and You Can Change Your World
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Perception Is Not Reality
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Knowing Yourself Is the Beginning of All Wisdom
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Note To Self: Relax
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Perfectionism Is A Dangerous State of Mind In An Imperfect World
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
The Whole Is Greater Than the Sum of the Parts
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
It's Time To Enjoy Every Moment of Your Life
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Progress Over Perfection
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Get Into The Flow State So That The Floggings Will End and Morale Will Improve
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Love Is Patient
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Are You Scared? You're About To Do Something REALLY Brave.
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
When You Find Someone That Makes Your Heart Skip a Beat, Stop the Search and Take the Risk
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Love Conquers All
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Shame Is Paralyzing
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Not Everything Sucks
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Be Patient But Not Complacent
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
You Deserve The Kind of Love You Would Give Someone Else
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
A Slave Is Someone Who Waits For Someone To Come And Free Him
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Overcome Obstacles In Intimacy
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
When You Are Grateful, Fear Disappears and Abundance Appears
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
An Active Code of Conduct
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Your Twin Flame Doesn't Come In Perfect Form. You Have To Love Them Into Perfection.
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
An Ethical Guide To Quantum Jumping
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Today, Spend More Time With People Who Bring Out The Best In You, Not The Stress In You
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
You Aren't Starting Over. You're Starting From Where You're At With All That You Have Learned. Prepare Yourself For The Next Part of Your Journey.
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Embrace Your Emotions. They Are There To Teach You About Yourself. Suppressing Your Emotions Is Suppressing Yourself.
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
A Message From Your Higher Self: Use Your Full Range of Emotions As A Compass
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Sometimes You Have To Just Roll With It
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
The Worst Solitude Is To Be Destitute of Sincere Friendship
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Your Ancestors Are Counting On You To Heal These Patterns So They Will End With You
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
And Still I Rise
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Balance Your Life
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
It Requires Great Courage To Leave Behind What You Know and Step Forth Into Who You Are
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
The Voice In Your Head That Says You Can't Do This Is A Liar!
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Brace Yourself. Justice Is Coming.
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
That's Not The Real You
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Are You Being Called To Heal Ancestral Trauma?
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Do You Remember How To Love The Way You Did When You Were A Child?
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Finding the Hidden Path
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Change Is Created In The Shadows
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
You'd Rather Make Up A Fantasy Version of Somebody In Your Head Than Be With A Real Person
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Be The Energy You Want To Attract
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Sometimes Fate Is Like A Small Sandstorm That Keeps Changing Directions
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Getting Unstuck
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Discipline Is Remembering What You Want
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Every Day Is A Gift... That's Why They Call It The Present
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
And In the End, the Love You Take Is Equal To the Love You Make
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Preoccupied With A Single Leaf, You Won't See The Tree
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Be Better Than You Were Yesterday
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
The Moment I Embrace My Peace Within and Surrender The Outcome Is the Moment That the Universe Can Truly Get To Work
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
You Are Actually A Sim
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
You Must Choose... But Choose Wisely
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Are You Learning To Heal Others Holistically?
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Rise Above and Beyond
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Look For the Universal Gift
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Move Forward
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Moving Toward A New Start
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
One Final Pause Before A Portal To the Future Opens
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
If I Could Save Time In A Bottle
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Change May Not Always Bring Growth, But There Is No Growth Without Change
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Healing and Releasing Pain, Loss, and Grief Within the Death Window
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Forgive and Let Go To Make Room For Miracles
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Your Sacred Space Is Where You Can Find Yourself Again and Again
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
The Power of Vulnerability
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Follow Your Bliss and the Universe Will Open Doors Where There Were Only Walls
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Stop Being A People Pleaser
The Starfire Codes is a reader-supported publication fueled by copious amounts of caffeine. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming my caffeine enabler by buying me a cup of coffee once a month. Your support of my fuel source is greatly appreciated…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Spiritual Awakening and Ascension Are On The Horizon. Hold Space For Your Loved Ones As They Start To Wake Up.
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: Be patient. Difficulties tend to arise at the beginning of a new life. What was once thought to be solid may crumble rapidly in order to make way for something even more substantial…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Wild and Free
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You are experiencing an important breakthrough that brings justice to a family situation. You have been hard at work, looking within to shed light on your shadows in order to heal emotional wounds and to be able to fully express your desires without experiencing fear or shame…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Were You Destined To Be A Healer?
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: The end of a difficult cycle is approaching. Powerful forces of change are surrounding you with a sudden wealth of destined healing energy which you will share with others…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Readjust Your Energy Field
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: The secret to happiness is to connect with your soul and to use your heart and your joy as a compass for knowing which direction to take. You are learning that the way to navigate the challenges currently presenting themselves in your life is to readjust your energy field…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
You Deserve This
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You are on a peaceful journey, reaching out to reunite estranged energies and heal hearts. You have the attention of the universe as you move forward with this as your intention, so be positive that you will have success…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Be Patient. Things Will Change For The Better.
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: Tangible preparation will yield tangible results. This is the beginning of a time of great blessings in a sacred connection. You are feeling inspired. You will need to focus on s…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Nothing Prevents Happiness Like the Memory of Happiness
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: Expect the unexpected as you begin something new. You are traveling away from conflict and struggle and into calmer waters and a time of celebration. Stagnation gives way to flow. Ice begins to thaw…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
You Are Radiating Love
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You are transitioning from rest within a small cocoon-like space being the whole of your existence into a state of expansiveness and co-creation with the universe…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
If You Plant A Good Seed In Bad Soil It Will Affect How It Grows and Roots
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: This is the end of a time of stagnation, but the ground you plant the seeds in must be fertile in order for you to move forward. You have a need to feel like you belong but do not grab onto this at the expense of your self and your soul…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Let Today Be the Day You Learn The Grace of Letting Go and the Power of Moving On
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You are being guided to flow with the changes coming into your life right now. Someone has been resistant to letting go of the past, getting creative trying to find ways to stave off the inevitable, even if it cuts deep and creates unnecessary storms on the path ahead…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Are You Walking A Tightrope?
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: Maintaining your bravery and honesty in a difficult situation will be rewarded. The wheel of karma is attempting to turn in your favor, but to get it to do so, you must find which way to go in order to transform a situation, to find your way around impediments and rise from the ashes into the version of yourself who you truly want to be, without fear…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Sit Still and Do the Work
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: A proper relationship with yourself is essential. This is the place from which all other relationships flow. When it comes to the darkness you are processing, you are being guided to have patience with yourself. Focus on the present and stay grounded through any concerns you might be having…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Getting Back On Solid Ground
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You are facing some delays while a rapid emotional transformation occurs, leading you toward success at the end of a life cycle. You feel as though you have taken a great loss…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
You Belong Here. Welcome Home.
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You’re glowing. The creative spark is shining from inside you like a beacon. You are awakening to a need to share, to be wanted, and to search for and/or surround yourself with harmonious soul level relationships…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
The Nodes In Your Decision Tree Are Growing Roots
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You have been focused upon transforming your life, upon rebuilding your inner confidence so that you can let your light shine fully around those you love…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
I Am Not Myself Anymore. I Am Full of Ghosts of All the People I Have Lost.
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You have conquered or are in the midst of conquering a spiritual level of yourself by bravely facing your shadow work and you are now teaching or will eventually teach others how to do the same…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
What If You Just Turned Your Magic All the Way the Fuck On?
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: In order to clear out your resistance to growth, you will need to deeply cleanse your energy of anything hanging on from your past. You are walking down a new path toward emotional purification…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
It Is Time To Unlearn the Things You Learned From Wounded People
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: Facing the unknown, you have built defenses around yourself and your heart. You learned to do this because, in the past, you were taught these traits by those who were modeling wounded behavior for you. It’s time to break free of that cycle…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Deep Souls Need Deep Souls
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You are receiving signals from the universe regarding what you came here to do. You are being guided to balance your south node with your north node in order to move in the direction that best suits your divine path…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
You Can't Change the People Around You, But You Can Change the People Around You
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You have walled off your gifts, preventing yourself from deeply and meaningfully connecting with others. Have courage, dedication, and absolute trust that it is safe to be vulner…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Are You Co-Creating Your Life?
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: The universe is trying to help you grow as a co-creator by showing you that, when you expect miracles to occur, they do. Any obstacles in the way of your receipt of said miracles are purely in your own mind and will need to be discarded in order to come into alignment with grace to accept the universe’s benevolence…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
You Are A Luminous Conscious Stardust Being Forged In the Crucible of Cosmic Fire
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You are not at the mercy of external circumstances despite any disruptions that may be occurring. You are reaching the end of a chapter, of a life phase, and you are being called to surrender to the unknown, to the mystery of what will happen next…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
My Toxic Trait Is That I'm An Actual Alien Who Is Extremely Confused By The Human Experience
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: [NOTE: I received a message that not everyone understands what it means, translated into scientific terms, to “raise your frequency” and why it is important. Makes sense - it’s sort of a weird, oblique way of communicating an otherwise very simple concept. If you want to understand fully why we are being guided to do this and what it’s meant to achieve, read on…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
The Universe Is Working On A Miracle For You Right Now
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You anticipate that new challenges and opportunities are coming in for you. You’ve been worried about whether this will pan out but spirit wants you to know that this is meant for you and so it is being protected…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Why The Biggest Obstacle To Your Success Might Be You
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You have been stressed out that there won’t be enough to go around to do all of the things that you want to do, but spirit wants to guide you away from a lack based mindset…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
It Feels Like Home To Me
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: An unexpected union or reunion is about to occur once you set down your burdens and walk away from them for good to go find your happiness. You are moving rapidly toward a place or situation that will provide you with a great deal of emotional stability and the ability to be and remain your most authentic self…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Listen With Curiosity. Speak With Honesty. Act With Integrity.
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You have taken time to reflect upon a compromising situation that left you with lowered self-esteem and a consciousness of lack. While it is good to understand how we fall prey t…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Are You Being Your Most Authentic Self?
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You are being guided to have the strength to allow your life to take on a new form, to flow out of the way it used to be toward what it is meant to become…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Let Go and Trust the Universe
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: After a period of tension and uncertainty in which you have felt like you were at an utter standstill, you find that you are seeking to integrate empathy, harmony, and insight into your life so that you can move in a new direction…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Are You Wondering If You Should Take The Risk?
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: As events emerge in divine order which are moving you toward a state of falling in love with a person, with a person you already love more deeply, or with certain beneficial changes occurring in your life as they unfold around you, you are being protected from premature knowledge of certain mysteries as they emerge…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
The Universe Doesn't Demand That You Struggle. It's Simply Responding To Your Vibration.
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You are being guided to eliminate all resistances to growth. Your ancestors want you to know that they are here to support anything involving your growth at this time. All you need to do is be open to calling their support in to you and increase your capacity to receive support from them in whatever way it might come in…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Let Go of Something Old That No Longer Serves You In Order To Make Room For Something New
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: There is great wisdom in purging what is no longer on the path forward for you. You are being guided to shift your perspective so that you can see what you are meant to release…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Don't Waste Your Time Looking Back. You're Not Going That Way.
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: Spread joy and gratitude and joy and gratitude will return to you. Spread pain and sorrow and pain and sorrow will return to you. Whatever you want to manifest in your life, be it, become it, spread it around, and the universe will provide you with more of the same in return - but be careful - if you are generating and spreading negative feelings, these will return to you as well…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Once You Get The Blanket Thing, You Can Relax... Because Everything You Could Ever Want Or Be You Already Have and Are
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: The only thing you ever have control over is yourself. Leading by example is crucial. You have your own unique path. However, so does everyone else. If you want to make a differe…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
You Can Be The Hunter or You Can Be The Hunted
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: After a time of great opposition and estrangement, you have hunted down that which you have desired. Enjoy your good fortune and remember to share your abundance with those you trust surrounding you…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Look The World Straight In The Eye
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: After a long time dealing with the news of loss and your subsequent grief, you have a renewed sense of hope and joy about seeing your dreams beginning to come true…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
You Glow Differently and Your Soul Shines Beautifully When You Start To Understand Your Own Worth
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: New opportunities and challenges are presenting themselves to you at this time, but in order to see them and make proper use of them, you will need to change your perspective. Some people and things are about to fall away. Do not fight it. Allow it. The universe is protecting you…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Creating Sacred Spaces
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: After a period of isolation and disconnect, you feel the need to share your thoughts and feelings in order to feel like your community, family, and friends are surrounding you. You don’t feel like you are safe and secure, like you belong…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Important Messages For The Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine on Achieving and Maintaining Union
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: Some parts of you are bubbling up to the forefront while others, no longer necessary, are falling away like the shedding of an old skin. You might even be separating yourself from some of your relationships. If you’ve grown apart from certain relationships, that’s OK - allow it to occur…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Are You Being Watched?
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: There is a point at which the unknown and unseen becomes so known and so seen it’s as if you are being surveilled. Are you, or are you simply afraid that you are? Are you being watched…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
I Always Wonder Why Birds Stay In The Same Place When They Can Fly Anywhere On The Earth. Then I Ask Myself The Same Question.
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You’ve been long enduring a standstill. You’ve been feeling alienated within a time of stagnation while awaiting the important new beginnings that a creative explosion of inspira…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
My Heart Is The Portal To An Infinity of Love, Bliss, and Abundance
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: There is a disruption occurring in your life right now which is triggering the end of a cycle and creating a portal that you will be able to walk through to manifest the life that you want…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Never Stop Learning Because Life Never Stops Teaching
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: The shock of the new is calling to you. Something new is breaking through to birth its way into your life - things are changing shockingly FAST! There is an affinity between you and this strangely beautiful newness seeking to manifest…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Let Love In
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: What has happened to the ebb and flow of your emotions? Are you coming from a place of receptivity or of mistrust, and why? The heart holds the capacity to abundantly give to yourself and others, while also being able to freely receive. The opportunity exists to keep a perfect balance between both…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
To Get More Happiness, Simply Move Toward Happiness
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You are coming out of a fallow period in which you went inward to explore yourself at your core after a time of devastating disappointment. You are now cycling into a fertile time of renewal in your life where you are working on figuring out what would make your happy and how to manifest that happiness into your life…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Failure Can Only Exist From Stagnant Perceptions
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: Delays will be brought about by dealing with challenges, but these challenges are meant to teach you, not to inhibit you, so the additional time spent on this is actually being divinely orchestrated to cause you to grow and evolve in ways that you otherwise wouldn’t have…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Think About Things Differently
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: This is a time of forward momentum for your soul’s purpose. You are transitioning and transforming from a state of feeling stuck, apprehensive, and unsure about the wiser world. You have been playing it small for too long because you have been physically and/or financially restricted…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
You Give Life To What You Give Energy To
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: Like the phoenix, you are arriving at a new beginning as you rise from the ashes of your former self. It is time to rise above your perception of who you once were and acquire a …
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Change Your Story, Change Your Life
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You are in the midst of a rebirth as you are being initiated into the next stage of your life. The story you tell yourself about who you are, where you come from, how you got here, and what you’ve learned along the way which has made you who you are is about to make a radical change…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Are You Living Your Dream?
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: Your meditative practice causes a breakthrough. You end a state of fragility by removing residual rejection and abandonment energies from your emotional body. Those who are most loyal, the closest ones to you, have been instrumental in keeping your heart centered and balanced, even when you felt off kilter or wondered if you were going to break…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
What You Focus On Becomes Your Reality
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You are in the process of awakening to a great deal of physical and spiritual abundance in divine timing. Keep your wits about you and do not behave imprudently, getting carried away by your success…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Eliminate Everything That Gives You Conflicted Feelings. Embrace the Things That Resonate With Your Soul.
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: Tangible preparation yields tangible results. Learn, expand, become better, and remain in a state of gratitude. Meditating to achieve a sense of inner balance will open you up to allowing these conditions into your heart and will help you to overcome any apprehension or indecision you might be feeling about the way forward…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Follow Your Soul. It Knows the Way.
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You are in the middle of a transition, in the in between phase moving out of an ending and into a new beginning. For some of you, this is a…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Who Are You?
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You have been climbing to make your way through conquering different accomplishments, but you’ve been stuck in a cycle of repetition surrounding this because each time you think you know what you want, you manifest it, and then it turns out that this thing, whatever it was, was not fulfilling to you…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Stop Playing Small. Show Up. Be Seen.
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: Self-criticism is only valuable if it is useful in helping you to correct what you choose to change about yourself. You are learning to trust your psychic gifts while also figuri…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Let Go and Trust the Universe
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: The situation ahead of you flips to an adjacent possibility. Whatever was happening shifts timelines and moves in a new direction. Versatility is required of you right now. You are being tested to see if you can allow the universe to take control…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
If You're Brave Enough To Say Good Bye To Your Past, Life Will Reward You With A New Hello. It May Be Hard, But You Have To Let Go.
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: Do what you think is right and do not worry - even if you lose, you don’t know what you might win. The universe is bringing true love, stability, and family toward you although it may not be in the form you are expecting…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Leave The Guilt Behind
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You will be facing some unpleasant obstacles or delays. Be patient. The difficulties you encounter may turn out to have a positive impact upon the situation as you are being highly protected at this time so that you can move forward into your calling…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
True Love Becomes A United Front Against Adversity
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You are entering a period of growth and success in which caring connections with a loving significant other are coming into your life. You are finding ways together to overcome any financial constraints by relying upon the collective energies of your partnership to see you through to finding solid solutions…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Worrying Is An Illusion of Control Where There Is None
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You’ve been sad and exhausted lately. But you’re coming out of this energy now, leaving the sadness and stagnancy behind. It’s time to look forward to next steps. You are receiving a spiritual gift that will create movement on your journey toward awakening…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Tact Is The Knack of Making A Point Without Making An Enemy
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: As you transform into more of a leader, you have managed to provoke and anger some of the people around you. Sometimes your pride gets in the way of your humility. You are leaning a bit too much on your intellect and not taking into consideration the feelings of others as much as you should. You feel justified in this because objectively you are correct, but the lack of tact is hurting some of the people you care about. You will need to find a way to clear the air…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
You Get To Be YOU
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You are working on ancestral healing in order to clear space for new energy to come into your life. This is a detoxification of mind and body and it is going to have a miraculous…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
What Is the Universe Telling You?
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: Opportunities and new challenges are on the horizon, but with them may come unwanted influences that could distract you from your focus. There is a need to do what you can to protect yourself from these influences because your focus is meant to remain upon that which you want to create…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Your Dreams Are Already Yours
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You are dealing with the unknowable and the unseen as active guiding principles in your life. You cannot control that which does not yet exist. Focusing on proper manifestation techniques without allowing fear to creep in is going to be crucial to moving forward in the direction you choose…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
It's Time To Start Something New and Trust the Magic of Beginnings
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: Through meditation and contemplation, you have risen above yourself to acquire a wider vision and you are being rewarded. You have undergone a massive transformation, rising like a phoenix from a heartbreaking upheaval in your life that you needed to release in order to regain harmony, balance, and eventually prosperity…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Everything Will Work Out Well
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You have something that needs to be said, and it is time to speak up. You are passing through an energetic gateway leading to your truest form of self-expression. The dam is breaking; that’s ok - it’s supposed to happen like this. Utilize this golden opportunity to take massive steps toward your soul’s growth…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Courage Is An Inner Resolution To Go Forward Despite Obstacles. Cowardice Is Submissive Surrender To Circumstances.
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: New options are opening up for you but there is a need to wash away the past before moving forward: observe it, bless it, and let it go. Things are changing for you in a big way right now. Do not think twice about transforming your life. You are being guided to go with the flow. Certain relationships are in the process of drying up so that new ones can enter your life that serve your highest good…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
This Limiting Belief Does Not Serve You
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. Please consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: A breakthrough is on the horizon. Surround yourself with protective energy, positive people who love you, and environments that make you feel safe. Stay humble and generous, and follow your intuition about whom and what to trust. Staying grounded is appropriate at this time…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Great Things Never Came From Comfort Zones
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: Congratulations. Positive and well deserved gifts are on their way to you - some seen and some hidden for now - but you will need to explore beyond the walls that confine you, br…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Love Is Like A Mirror
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You are being called to take a journey of self-healing to reunite with your soul family. You’ve been trying to do everything by yourself, and while soldiering on is a valiant effort, we need to know when we need to ask for help and that there are plenty of people around us that would be more than happy to help out in any way that they can…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Speak the Truth, Even If Your Voice Shakes
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You are reaching the other side of a portal which has reconnected the head with the heart. Through this gateway, you have either reached a state of security, relaxation, and well-being within yourself no matter where you are, or the desire to reach this state of being is featuring prominently in your thoughts…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Your Only Limit Is You
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: An energy resolves and a cycle ends in victory when you harness your innate power to take the opportunity to walk away from what you know and journey toward your greatest desire…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Stop Being Patient and Learn To Allow It
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: Energies are stacking up to open a pathway toward growth after a period of feeling isolated and separated from everything you love. These energies are best optimized by standing …
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Finding Mastery of the Self
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You have a deep need to share and to feel wanted. You are looking for a sense of harmony in your relationships. This marks the end of a period of lethargy and uncertainty and into a period of fertility and action if you choose to lean into what you desire and make it happen. What you focus upon during this time will take root and grow…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Change Your Thoughts and You Change Your World (Plus Notes on Navigating a Kundalini Awakening)
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: Your life is going through a major transition right now. Some things are ending in order to make way for new beginnings to emerge. The universe has a way of clearing energy out of your life that is not meant for you. If the universe is doing this, it is best to allow it…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Sometimes Your Only Available Transportation Is a Leap of Faith
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You are at a turning point that is ushering in a powerful transformation after you’ve felt like you’ve been tied up in knots, chasing your own tail. Nothing has gone wrong - you …
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
If the Universe Is Removing People From Your Life, Let Them Go
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: Energies that you don’t expect are incoming at this time, so expect the unexpected. You have discovered that there are people in your life who were being sneaky and two-faced, talking about you behind your back in whispers that they thought you couldn’t hear. However, you did hear it - and this was the universe protecting you from having to come into further contact with this energy…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Vibrational Alignment
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: A big change brings about an important breakthrough for you in what has felt like an endless sea of obstacles. You have been feeling hopeless and frustrated, wondering if these obstacles were ever going to clear…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Don't Block Your Blessings
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You are having an epiphany regarding starting your life anew in a space that you have crafted to be sacred and healing to you. Up until now, you have kept yourself imprisoned mentally by thoughts of lack…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Change Is the Only Constant
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You are taking a deep dive into a new commitment that is transforming your life. Remember that change is the only constant…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
When You Finally Let Go of the Past Something Better Comes Along
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: Eliminate any resistance you may have to growth in order to complete your transformation - you are going through a period of massive rebirth. You contain all of the information in the universe within you…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Change Requires Taking A Leap Of Faith
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You are being showered with blessings in preparation for a transformation. You have spent a long time nurturing seeds to bring a change about within yourself trying to bring a state of inner stillness so that this could take root and you would be able to see the fruits of your labor begin to emerge…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
A Love So Deep the Ocean Would Be Jealous
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: Fear of the repetition of past cruelty has kept you at a standstill, but now, you are being called to take a journey. You are moving through a portal into a new beginning with so…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
You Are Entirely Up To You
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You are hoping to build resilience and stability for your family but you feel as though your plans have been stagnating. If you meet the upcoming challenges you are facing with c…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
The Journey Will Show You the Way
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: A change for the better involves a journey to a place where the amount of quiet time you have to rest, meditate, and contemplate will increase. You are looking forward to embraci…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Sound Will Be the Medicine of the Future
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You have many gifts and talents. In the past, you have worked hard studying to be good at what you do in the present, and you have since shifted into more of a leadership role wh…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
If Two People Follow the Same Energy, They're Bound To End Up In the Same Room Eventually
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You have had success in following the signs and synchronicities the universe has left for you to guide you toward a partnership between kindred spirits. This culmination of energy feels like a great achievement after having wondered why you didn’t connect with others and then accepted that you’re not for everyone…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Be Open To Receiving Blessings From the Universe
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You have been working to correct what is untrue in your life when it comes to love. You are ending or have previously ended a situation that does not serve your highest good. Aft…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
If You Don't Have Any Shadows, You're Not In The Light
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You are attempting to rebuild feelings of protection, safety, and trust for yourself by loving yourself back to wholeness. You have been immersed in the shadow work that it will take to pull these murky emotions up from the depths to the surface so that they can be healed by addressing the root cause…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
You Must Break the Pattern Today or the Loop Will Repeat Tomorrow
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: Someone has stolen something from you - time or resources, perhaps both - and you’ve had your focus on that situation in an attempt to bring it to resolution. You’ve been stuck i…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Catharsis and the Creative Process
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You’ve been stuck in a holding pattern, waiting for a truth to be spoken. In the past, you’ve had a habit of stewing over situations that bother you instead of communicating abou…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Your Sacred Space Is Where You Can Find Yourself Over and Over Again
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: After a time of searching through energetic fragmentation that left you feeling like you wouldn’t be able to accomplish your goals, you are finally victorious in bringing a proje…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Check the Mirror For Blind Spots
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You are being guided to be open to receiving the abundance that the universe is offering to you. You are at the end of a cycle and entering a time of rebirth. It’s the dawn of a …
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Surrender Opens the Door To Receiving
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You are coming into a new level of understanding regarding how holding onto your past and the habits and patterns you formed during that time is affecting your ability to get centered in the present…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Please Stay On Trail
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: A message of truth comes to you through a vision quest which forces you to face your fears, releasing them from your subconscious in order to heal them. Any emotions you are feel…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Your Unconscious Mind Processes Information Faster Than Your Conscious Mind
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You are preparing for the future, but you feel like everything you are thinking and doing is taking too long - it’s the feeling of walking through quicksand in slow motion. Every…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Stop Breaking Your Own Heart
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You are entering a period of time in which you will be free to move in a new direction. You are being guided to release control of the outcome of your manifestations by surrender…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Be Smart Enough To Know When You Need Help and Brave Enough To Ask For It
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You are at a standstill. You are being guided to look for a place in which the ice is thawing in order to know where and how to take appropriate action…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
This Will Expand Your Consciousness
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You have put yourself in a position where you are relying too heavily on the mind and not nearly enough on the heart and expanded consciousness. You must use all three in order t…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
See Through the Illusion To Love
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You have spent a long time going within to heal yourself and find your inner wisdom after a hurtful betrayal which you walked away from occurred. This betrayal made you put up al…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Real Happiness Doesn't Live In Our Comfort Zone
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: Instead of keeping yourself stuck looking backwards to what has broken your heart, you have chosen to look into the future. As you have cleared away any distortions you have been carrying so that you could figure out what has been running you subconsciously, keeping you held back, you have grown outside of your comfort zone…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Stop Self-Sabotage
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You will have success in an upcoming venture if you are careful about the risks and you follow your instincts. Releasing that which does not serve your highest purpose will serve…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
When You Don't Make Your Needs Clear They Will Not Be Met
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You feel like you’re at a standstill, but you are being encouraged to believe in the magic of the journey forward. You will get to where you are going if you focus on the love you have in your heart and use that to navigate…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Love Is Only Made More Valuable by the Risk of Heartbreak
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: Success is close within a connection if you summon the courage to achieve your goals. You feel like you have been at a standstill but you are about to emerge from this state of s…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
What You Love Is a Sign From Your Higher Self of What You Are To Do
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: This is a time of change and transformation for the good. You will need to use your defensive powers to deflect an unexpected attack. This situation will be handled in a fair and…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Solitude Vivifies; Isolation Kills
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: Happiness is there for those who are committed to seeking truth and honesty. You are being urged to let go of whatever control you are attempting to exert over a situation becaus…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Stay Present
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: Success, happiness, harmony, and fulfillment are on the horizon if you summon the courage that it takes to achieve your goals. You have been wishing for stability. There will be …
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Stuck In A Rut
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: If you are loyal and trustworthy to those around you and do not become ungrounded or hypersensitive, a change for the better approaches as a personal issue reaches resolution. This change may involve a journey this summer…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
After Every Storm, There Is A Rainbow
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You have used your emotional intelligence in order to remove yourself from a situation that broke your heart. In moving toward a new direction, you have planted the seeds of a ne…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Don't Sleep On Your Dreams
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: If you meet a challenge with determination instead of fear, it will make overcoming the challenge a lot less daunting. You are being guided to drop the armor you are using to protect your heart. While that armor once served to keep your heart safe, it is now keeping your heart imprisoned…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
This Could Be the Day You Stop Doing That Self-Destructive Thing You Do
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You have the strength to overcome whatever obstacles are in your way at this time. As you become more self-aware, you use your intuition to dissolve any illusions you were previo…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
If Fear Is the Great Enemy of Intimacy, Love Is Its True Friend
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You are about to enter a fertile, abundant, action-oriented period of time where you will be free to move in a new direction. New beginnings and solutions are about to emerge…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Manifest What You Want
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You are coming up to a transition period in your life which will require you to stay centered and balanced in your strength. You have been diligent about tending the seeds of the…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Setting Boundaries
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You are facing delays in your plans. Remember that you are not alone and you can call in your family, friends, and guides for support as you review your plans and explore your sh…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Find Your Balance
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You are in the midst of a sacred journey leading to your further psychic development. A great change is on the horizon in which your forgive yourself and your past as you move into a more mature and balanced resonant energy. The warrior spirit inside you is focused on protecting your family, your lineage, and your future to come. You will be able to do so by taking this journey to unlock some new abilities you didn’t know you had. These abilities are part of your birthright as a human being…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Say Yes To An Enthusiastic New Beginning
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You have been building defenses around yourself as you embark upon a new beginning, a new chapter in your life which has taken a lot of hard work to achieve. You have typically s…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
The Distance Between Your Dreams and Reality Is Called Action
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: Difficulties begin at the portal you are about to walk through to the start of a new life. You are being advised to use your power to see a multitude of potential consequences before acting…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Find Your Fire
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You are at a standstill, and so you are feeling like something, somewhere, must have gone wrong. You are being reassured that this is not the case. To circumvent this standstill…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Tie Up Loose Ends
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You are in a cycle of transition, an in-between phase in which you are deciding, after planting seeds in different areas of your life, what to focus on and what to sacrifice. You…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Shift Happens
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You will see continuous progress and movement in the form of an energetic shift if you use your passions and urges to inspire you. If you are unsure about what drives you, spend …
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
You Become A Catalytic Converter
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: Access to your further psychic development comes now through divine timing. It was meant to happen at this time, so you are being asked to allow yourself to journey inward in ord…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Buffalo '66: Heart of the Sunrise
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You are being blessed with good fortune and reminded not to behave imprudently in the face of your blessings or you may lose the good fortune with which you have been blessed. You have been suffering from poor health but this is about to change. Trust in the magic of the unique healing which is being gifted to you and know that a substantial transformation is underway…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
No Reason To Stay Is A Good Reason To Go
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You are being guided to restore balance at this time and practice restraint. You are in the midst of making a final decision to give up something that has been holding you back a…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Walk Without Rhythm and You Won't Attract the Worm
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: It is time to straighten out any miscommunication you might be having before taking the next bold step in your journey. Your hard work is creating a transformation in your life. Remember that you are connected to everything and everyone. Co-create your world by allowing yourself to be carried by the rhythm of what is essential in your life…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Your Commitment Passes the Test of Time
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: A partnership is forming. You are being reminded for each of you to keep your senses of self in the midst of co-creating together. There are times when you are going to feel like…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Be Who You Were Created To Be
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You are being called to give something up in order to make room for something new. You are shifting into becoming a new version of yourself. This is a time to cleanse any unwante…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Remember Who You Are
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You are being guided to release the old to make way in your life for something new. No matter how isolated and alone you might be feeling right now, your guides want to you know …
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
A Crisis of Faith
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: A major breakthrough is coming and the outcome you want is on its way to you in divine timing. For now, you are being guided to restore your faith, to retreat and recharge. It is…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
If You Don't Heal From What Hurt You You Will Bleed On People Who Didn't Cut You
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: Nothing is set in stone. You have been given a second chance. You have an opportunity to shed and cut out what no longer serves you and move away from a life you have outgrown into a new life that reflects the true wishes of your heart. You will know instinctively which path to take if you remain in the flow state…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Shine So Bright That It Burns Their Fucking Eyes
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You are being guided to shed your old skin and release any negativity you might have been carrying around with you. It’s time to heal, take care of your own needs, and show the w…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
The Fertility Is Being Drained Out of The World Around You
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: Something has gone very wrong. You are in a state of hypervigilance. You feel betrayed and exposed by the world but you are putting on a brave face and maintaining a warrior’s stance through the hell you’ve been enduring…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Trust The Universe To Course Correct A Timeline That Was Not Meant For You
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: "It is perfectly obvious that the whole world is going to hell. The only possible chance that it might not is that we do not attempt to prevent it from doing so.“ — Robert Oppenh…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Never Give Up
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: Calm, rational self-improvement will be rewarded upon merit. Now is the time to take on a transformation into attaining an expansive energy with a level of momentum that cannot b…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
The Messenger Politely Requests That They Please Not Be Shot
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: Important events are happening around you right now. You’ve been facing a lot of conflict and strong emotions. Tempers are flaring. You will need to take decisive action to resto…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Most of Our Problems Are Because We Act Without Thinking or We Keep Thinking Without Acting
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: Try to better determine the cause of strife in your world and figure out how best to fight against it. Righteous anger might have a reason, so if you feel like your inner fire is…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Uncovering and Relearning Hidden Ancient Wisdom
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You’re in a position where the uncertainty is bothering you, but you are being guided to allow things to be as they are. Pay attention to this as it unfolds, but don’t step in. Trust the universe to toggle this situation about so that things will begin to shake out the way they are meant…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: Direct your efforts to support and accelerate the coming changes in your life. The status quo might be comforting because it is familiar but clinging to codependency is not going…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Share Your Secrets and Be the Star You Were Meant To Be
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You are procrastinating on the completion of a message you received an omen that you need to share. Your guides are reminding you that you need to express this information…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
The Only Way Is Up
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: The beginning and the end are set, but what you create in the in between is up to you. You are weaving the Wyrd to create a new cycle releasing what has been out of alignment wit…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
You Are Creating A New History
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: An epiphany creates a paradigm shift in your way of thinking. Focusing on your intuition and the inner wisdom of staying within the frequency of gratitude and an infinite supply …
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
You Can Have The Whole World If You Can Muster The Guts To Take It
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: Time is an illusion and a bold change is on the horizon, bringing you a massive epiphany as you learn to balance polarities in your way of thinking. Look inward for inspiration. …
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Your Soul Is Constantly Guiding You On The Most Joyful And Meaningful Path For You
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You are being guided toward the conscious use of your resources in order to support your getting in touch with rare gifts that you may have forgotten you have. You have felt trap…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Letting Go To Move Forward
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: Maintaining your faith in a constant state of self-sacrifice has left you feeling like you’re fighting a battle that never ends. Although you have been facing challenges with gratitude and grace, you are in need of a break. You require healing. You have to know when it’s time to stop fighting…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
What Is Meant For You Will Not Pass You By
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You are focused upon accessing expanded consciousness for answers. You have gone within in order to figure out what to do about a situation that has hurt you a great deal and you…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Your Kundalini Power Can Birth Visions Into Reality Out of the Primordial Depths
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You are receiving a spiritual gift in the form of passion, sexuality, healing, and renewal. You are being guided to shed the old skin you have been so attached to in order to make way for these gifts. Release the past, past versions of yourself, and anything tying you to ancestral karma that is holding you back and keeping you from the truth of the person you were meant to be. This will lead to profound emotional health and stability…
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The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell
Say the Truth and People Will Listen To You With Their Open Heart
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Channeled Messages: You can expect a favorable outcome to emerge, but you are still missing pieces to the puzzle. Someone in your sphere might be trying to trick you into believing they are approach…
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