Awww!! Thank you for including my art, beautiful Demi!! ❤️❤️❤️

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Thank you for the shout out Demi! I can’t wait to dig into this post. The entire Tartarian reset subject fascinates me. And there seems to be no real answers. It’s all shrouded in this mystery. I love the fact you put so many of these together in post! Have a lovely day! 💞💖💞

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I’ve been watching videos about the government’s project Stargate as well!

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The voice on the 9 things a man should never do is kind of comical from being overly deep making it seem inauthentic. And I wonder if it’s an AI voice which would be even more ironic. And then the guy says that beta men listen to influencers thus declaring the 40000 people in his Discord to be Betas

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