THE SCROLL: Society Has Jumped The Shark
Notes On Algorithmic Mayhem, Eye of Sauron Tree Topper, Fixing People, Football Zombies, Night People vs. Morning People, Pareidolia, The Misplaced Odes To Chandra Hardy and Other Misadventures….
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Algorithmic Mayhem….
Memelords, Scrollars, and Shenanigators…. MOUNT UP!
Dreams are extremely powerful.
They will show you what you needed to know, often before you were even aware you needed to know it.
If they recur, it’s because the psyche is still trying to send a message that the conscious mind hasn’t fully grasped.
If you’ve gotten the message, the next dream in the series will come on deck to tell you more.
Nightmares are tricky.
It’s either your subconscious alerting you to an issue or the subconscious misperceiving something new as looking an awful lot like something you’ve already experienced, whether that’s true or not, and screaming at you, “WARNING! OVEN WAS HOT LAST TIME! OVEN MAY BE HOT YET AGAIN! PROCEED WITH CAUTION!!”
And then you have to determine if the nightmare has a valid point or was just a preemptive strike coming at you from a shellshocked psyche drawing parallels where there might not be any, trying to keep you safe by protecting you from danger but having a really funny way of showing it.
Make sure it’s not “protecting” you from something good by making the assumption it’s bad while conversely making sure you’re not mistaking a real warning for a false alarm.
It could go either way.
And then add in the X factor that the dream could be premonitory. That’s a completely different can of worms.
The Misplaced Odes To Chandra Hardy and Other Misadventures….
[NOTE: To see the second poem, go to the section called “This Is So Uncomplicated….” below.]
Night People vs. Morning People….
Pareidolia. The Struggle Is Real.
“She Thinks She Can Fix Me….”
Society Peaked In The 90s….
Take My Money, Please….
This Is So Uncomplicated….
I’m a woman - and even I have to admit I don’t necessarily like ALL women.
I don’t necessarily like ALL men either.
It has nothing to do with gender. It has absolutely everything to do with whether or not the other person is kind, is intelligent, has a decent sense of humor, is emotionally and mentally stable, and can carry on a conversation about non-bullshit without my feeling like my soul is being sucked out of my body.
It’s a subconscious scoring process. High scores on all five will make me seek the other person out deliberately to develop a deeper friendship. If they reciprocate, they become my friend.
I can assure you that this screening process has jack shit to do with chromosomes or genitalia.
Are you kind? Are you smart? Are you funny? Are you sane? Are you interesting? Fucking GREAT! I like you! Let’s be friends.
This is so uncomplicated. 🤣🤣🤣
This line of thinking tends to be what sets Gen X apart from the other generations. We’ve still got some of the Greatest and Silent’s fire in us because many of us were raised by them while the Boomers were off “finding themselves.”
My own unpopular and rather controversial opinion: What no one talks about is that we were also genocided. Our numbers were literally decimated by Roe v Wade. There’s a reason we’re the least numerous generation. That’s the reason - the post-Roe abortion spike in the 1970s.
So it’s interesting to see that, according to the polling and the overall narrative, Gen X swung the vote that hard - to even have had the overall numbers to pull off something like that you would think would have taken a massive concerted effort among the ideologically similar - but there was no massive concerted effort.
It was just a function of everyone getting fed up at the same time, thinking, “Grandma and Grandpa would be rolling over in their graves right now.” And, having often been raised by Grandma and Grandpa, it makes perfect sense why it would have happened this way.
The younger generations employ strategies for ladder climbing and leveraging lateral movement to scale upward. They don’t shit test their superiors to see if they can respect them for their competence. But they will create fake drama to get rubbernecker eyeballs fixed on them. Attention is a measurable metric of “success” to them. It’s a completely different game.
My guess? Weaponized groupthink happened.
“You’re either with me or you’re against me.”
No more room for civil discourse.
No more room for anyone to disagree with the commentary of others but still care about those people themselves.
And often a bizarre focus on drumming up strife to capture eyeballs instead of fostering and nurturing genuine connections, creating a train wreck so that other social media passers by will rubber neck the carnage.
I’ve met a few of the latter. That behavior makes my skin crawl.
Ultimately, it’s a divide and conquer narrative control tactic dropped into the zeitgeist through both the mainstream media and certain factions of the “alternative media,” through ideological association with pundits on an identification level and algorithm-controlled dopamine spikes.
A fractured and fissured populace is easier to control. If friendship across diverse opinions is made unfashionable, people are much easier to control - they have to drop talking points outside of the manufactured Overton window to maintain their connections and friendships.
It ensures that most will toe the party line without thinking, with zero concerns about remaining genuine to their own thoughts, feelings, view point, voice.
It goes deeper than Shy Tory effect. It’s been broadened as an insidious way to undermine communication inside households, among extended families, among co-workers and friends… everyone is too scared to say how they really feel, which not only puts everyone in the pocket of those who are dictating the trends in communication, but it destroys support systems - which is the ultimate goal if you’re looking at it through the lens of asymmetrical warfare.
Men get so annoyed when women won’t act like men in the workplace and then they get even more annoyed when women can’t stop acting like men when they get home because they were expected to be men all day. It’s extremely emotionally confusing.
If the Rockefellers didn’t push for us to have to have dual incomes in the household because they wanted both adult members of the household to pay taxes, you wouldn’t have to worry about scheduling Kathy and Kimmy at all.
Until then, schedule Kathy with Bob and Kimmy with Mike. Problem solved.
Literally the only time I have ever felt this way about how I have been treated by men was, ironically, when I lived in Georgia.
I was a married woman - and men who were not my husband refused to make eye contact with me.
And while it was out of respect for my ex-husband, culturally, that they were doing so, because I did not come from this culture, it felt like disrespect to me.
I kept asking him about it openly and honestly until we finally figured out why the hell it was happening, why it was coming from ordinarily very respectful people.
They had no idea how to treat someone like me. They had never met someone like me. And they were resorting to their own social norms that erred on the side of not disrespecting the man by locking gaze with his wife.
Sometimes we don’t understand why people do what they do. Sometimes they mean no harm by it at all. And often, quite the contrary, and the intent is misjudged because it is outside of the other’s wheelhouse.
Eventually, when I took to gently making jokes about it to lighten it up and make it ok for them to look me in the eye, they did.
Balance restored through open and honest communication, which, I find, is often the way to operate. YMMV.
Exactly. If someone is going to think about me, “She doesn’t like me. She must hate women/men in general,” instead of wondering why I may have reacted to them in particular the way that I may have (or may NOT have if the other person is simply failing at the first agreement that day and bringing their own bad day and weird perceptions to the table, as we all do from time to time), getting curious, and then asking me the question in an open, deliberate, genuine, vulnerable, authentic, and honest manner, that’s not someone I want to be friends with anyway.
That has never been my experience of men. And if you want to support or refute what the author is saying, you should have your own experience to back that up, no? You should know from your own experience whether what she is saying is or is not correct so that you can address it if you feel the need to do so.
If we’re going to continue speaking, I could do without the ad hominem attacks, if you would be so kind. You and I know nothing at all about each other. This is literally the first time we have ever spoken. Let’s do so from a place of openness in the spirit of the cultivation of mutual understanding, not from a place of baseless attacks. Thank you very much.