Jan 15Liked by The Starfire Codes

It's so true that you don't need to know every step in the process to begin. If you just make a start the divine will step in and guide you.

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Absolutely! Great point! And so many of us believe everything has to be perfect before we begin. It ties the universe's hands. 🙏🏻

Never wait for perfection, y'all - just start!! 🙏🏻💜💫

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Jan 15Liked by The Starfire Codes

It's the start that allows the Universe to step in. Figure out a baby step and just do it. See what happens. Be on the lookout for something subtle. The frequency of the divine is so much higher and faster than 3D, that you need to be quiet and alert. That's when mindfulness comes naturally.

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I agree! Even just getting into the practice of taking note of signs and synchronicities in day to day life becomes impactful for decision-making, timing, and measuring the overall expression of energy. And the universe has a way of rolling these epiphanies and connections out to people in baby steps itself, first making sure the person understands they are being signaled, then getting attuned to reading energy, then noticing that some of these are signs and others warnings, how to attune to that in terms of utilizing your emotional compass to guide your intuition, etc. It all happens in waves, beautifully and as it is meant, so as to instruct and not to overwhelm. The key is just to be observant. The rest will come in time. 🙏🏻💜💫

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Jan 15Liked by The Starfire Codes

I've noticed that if I interpret something wrong, God steps in and shows me I'm wrong and to get back on track pronto.

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Quick and subtle! 🙏🏻💜💫

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Jan 15Liked by The Starfire Codes

Sometimes not so subtle especially if there's a lot of conditioning behind it. I went through a period where I was knocked off track to practice getting back into the flow. It's one thing to have divine experiences. It's another to anchor it and make it your typical state.

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Jan 16Liked by The Starfire Codes

Wholeheartedly agree, something I reflect upon daily whenever I start to feel overwhelmed.

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Jan 15Liked by The Starfire Codes

Oh my goodness, that did ring many bells... phew, I need to think hard and deep

Thanks Demi, you’ve thrown a lifeline 💙🙏💫

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My pleasure, Joyce! And thank you for the confirmation that the energy resonates!! 🙏🏻💜💫

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Jan 15Liked by The Starfire Codes

Once I make a decision the universe conspires to make it happen?

I'm deciding to take Emilia Clarke out to dinner. Universe!! Do your thing please.

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Hmm. Let's rephrase... "Emilia Clarke or better, leaving this up to the universe for my best and highest good...." 🙏🏻💜💫

Don't manifest specific people - it interferes with their will and creates karma for you. But you can utilize her as an example for a sort of shorthand with the universe as to the qualities you want the person who comes into your life to have. And that will not create karma - it will create alignment. That will get you closer to your actual person who is on your best and highest timeline who resonates with you most.

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Jan 15Liked by The Starfire Codes

Okay i'll swap out Emilia Clarke for a beautiful redhead so it's not a specific person lol.

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There ya go!! 🙏🏻💜💫

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Love the last part about leaving loneliness and realizing worry doesn't serve you. Goes right along with the book I'm reading, Whole Brain Living.

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Worry will only attract more of what you are worried about. Your focus and attention will call more of the same in to you. Universe doesn't know positive or negative attention. All attention is attention, and whatever you pay attention to will increase. 🙏🏻

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Jan 15Liked by The Starfire Codes

Riders on the storm is an all time favourite of mine. It is a perfect song that can suit my low and high moods. I have been wallowing in loneliness so most definitely time to come out!

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I hope the reading has made you feel comfortable to resurface! I love that song too!! :)

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Jan 17Liked by The Starfire Codes

The time is now if you choose it.

It's always now, whenever that feeling rises for you.

I just finished reading through all the comments and it feels like a wave is passing through us all thanks to your guidance and clarity.

Thank you ❤

P.S. I really enjoy all your memes. Not just these ones but in general. Excellent meme curation 👌

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Thank you! ❤

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Jan 16Liked by The Starfire Codes

Such deliciousness -- thank you.

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My pleasure! 🙏🏻💜💫

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Thank you so much for the beautiful channeled messages.

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My pleasure!

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Thank you for this Demi, it totally spoke to me and I though a lot the heavy energy that i have been feeling for the past few weeks. I know that "doors are opening." I know that "manifest anything you want' is possible, and I know that "Come out of solitude," is a very good thing. But I feel as though my focus is very unclear. No doubt that will shift. Curious question, what is the Oracle Deck in the third line. It totally spoke to me and I have been looking for a new deck.

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It's ok not to be ready - you're about to be. You'll feel it when it's time. You'll know. The energy will shift. :)

That one is called The Soul's Journey by James Van Praagh.

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Thanks Demi! I feel completely in self care mode right now and just wanting a wall of warm blankets around me. I can'[t wait to unwrap them though! I will look for that deck!

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Very insightful. Love the language.

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Thank you!

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I want more funds in my account UNIVERSE

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Thanks a million Demi! Very encouraging and inspiring.

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My pleasure! 🙏🏻💜💫

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Jan 15Liked by The Starfire Codes

Thank you so much. Love all of this.

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My pleasure! 🙏🏻💜💫

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Love your play list.

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Thank you!!

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deletedJan 15Liked by The Starfire Codes
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Zero7 is amazing! Glad it resonates - thank you for confirming! 🙏🏻💜💫

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