Navigating Dimensional Portals and Consciousness Shifts
The Emotions of Timeline Shifts and the Momentum of Expansion
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As I've continued my spiritual journey and raised my frequency, I've noticed that many relationships and connections seem to fall away. This used to confuse me, but I've come to understand it as a natural side effect of crossing thresholds into higher dimensional realities.
When your frequency elevates sufficiently to carry you through a portal into a new timeline, mismatches in vibration tend to split off. It's not that anyone's personal vibration is right or wrong per se. It’s just that misaligned or incongruent frequencies will not accompany you where your consciousness is headed next.
I see it like looking at the infinitely complex graph of all potential realities: Let’s say my higher self chooses to embody an experience along X trajectory. As my consciousness comes into resonance with that particular path, I'm diverging from others who are mapped to experience different journeys because these other journeys are either what their consciousness has chosen or they did not actively choose and so they are being swept along by the current of the choices they have already made.
It helps me to envision that there are infinite versions of my own consciousness, as well as everyone else's, scattered across the cosmic landscape. Each one steps through different portals and collapses the wave function into slightly different physical realities and relationships. As I make choices guided by my inner truth, moving toward what will bring me the most joy, my localized perspective shifts to the timeline that reflects those particular choices. It's not that the people and matter around me are fundamentally changing, but that my subjective experience has moved to synchronize with a preferred set of probabilities. The movement of consciousness from timeline to timeline would be considered a “jump.”
The versions of loved ones that fall out of my timeline are sure to have their own adventures too, passing through their own portals in their own directions. Perhaps some variants of them will realign with variants of me on the other side of my jump. But since we are all holographic fractals of the same Source consciousness, no one ever fully disappears from the fabric of potentiality. For this leg of the journey our soul trajectories have simply diverged based on the lessons and experiences we each intend to have.
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Although it’s disheartening when certain connections fall away, I remind myself that this is merely a natural consequence of consciously choosing my highest path. I respect the shared history I have with others while remaining hopeful about the new souls and vibrational matches that will connect with me on my journey.
Nevertheless, it is also human to feel lost and disoriented as familiar relationships move out of frame. Know that your grieving process is important. These are significant soul contracts. Take time for self-care and for nurturing those feelings. Talk about them with trusted friends who also understand this. Journal to get your emotions moving past expression and into catharsis. If you have to ritualize closure, go ahead.
Also know that waves of loneliness, anger, or grief may keep washing over you for awhile even though you feel pretty clear in your spiritual convictions. Emotions have a residual momentum that thought alone cannot override immediately. They require processing. Treat your emotions with compassion toward yourself and others as they crop up. Do this without judging or repressing how you feel. Remember that this too shall pass.
When one is deep into missing someone familiar, it becomes difficult to remember that there might be a bigger shift happening underneath all of this. You might start questioning whether you’re on the right track or you might start to have doubts begin to creep in on these occasions. But, our higher self will pull us toward what wants to emerge for us; we are not urged to hang on to anything that is keeping us playing small and stagnant. There’s an inherent momentum and trajectory moving you closer to your greater purpose and joy, if you allow yourself to sync up with it.
Some changes may make you feel like you want to go back to what’s familiar instead of moving into the unknown. But holding onto the past won’t take us where we need to be. We occupy a liminal space for a while where it might feel as though we are straddling between two energetic realities, trying to merge them together. Moving forward demands faith.
The more we stop asking why we lose what we know and begin asking where are we going and why, our picture of future prospects will start getting clearer. And through this process, your higher self is letting you know that it is safe for you to release and open up.
Moments of fear may arise as you try to pull back to what was there before. This is normal. Breathe into the discomfort telling yourself: “I am being carried forward by momentum toward greater alignment with my life purpose and joy. In this unfolding I just have one role – allowing.” Replace any residual anxiety by allowing your faith and trust in the divine to dissolve them - and excitement takes over here.
You already know that, wherever you are going, there will be others along for the ride who will be good company on your journey. We are being reminded that we are being reoriented toward our emerging purposes, not simply abandoning comfort in favor of the unknown. Trusting that momentum and trajectory while breathing through the residual fear allows our excitement to return. It’s messy work, but on the other side of the process, it’s worth it.
I love this piece, Demi. It is timely in this time of change. :)
I especially love that you address how disconcerting, destabilizing or lonely it can feel to shed familiar relationships. Our comfort zone gets rocked and the world can feel so different to exist inside of- but only temporarily!
This process of growth and loss has always been easier to endure by picturing myself as a streamlining comet....travelling ahead on my trajectory through space and time while shedding what no longer serves as I maintain momentum towards my prized destination of joy and true fulfillment! Sending you so much love and appreciation, beautiful sister. xo
That was a great read. I hadn't thought about your connections to people coming and going based on frequency, but it makes a lot of sense. being open to it would speed up that process.