It has been extremely confusing. I was a democrat in 2020. The vax "woke me from my stupor". I started reading from everywhere. I was led down many incorrect paths. Those ideas still stick with me in my mind as "possible" I just await more correlating information. When I always see the same faces on the "alternative" side, I realize that I am seeing the same faces. When I find a new face that hasn't previously been related, I become excited. Because even though I have heard some things parallel to truth by these repeating alternative faces, I know that I am only getting part of the picture. Since idolizing certain individuals prior to 2020, I now know that I can trust only myself and nature. I wonder how many of them are stringing us along on purpose and how many just have no clue that they are being utilized in this way. But it's a weird feeling to just hang in limbo on so many topics and to not know what real truth is. However, like you said, creating your parallel world is the best way to travel. We need to PUMP out rebellious happiness and create ripples wherever we go. We need to be grateful and unafraid. We do need to build a parallel society in which we don't need these evil doers or their stupid systems. We need to separate ourselves from them while they burn so we can be here to help the next generation. There is a lot of work to do. Our legacy has to be hard work and dedication to that cause. We need to stay in this for our kids and their kids (if they are lucky enough or crazy enough to have any). We need to learn how to be self sufficient and deny the controllers their controls. Good luck everyone. It's a slow and tedious process, but we can do it if we stay energetically well. Don't LET them have your mind. If you have to reach into the ugliness to find information, take a break after that. A search for information always comes with ugliness and negative energy. I say you clean your system once a day from all the bowl sheet. Peace.

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I love this in concept, but I’m finding the reality of unregulated, no gatekeepers discourse creates a cacophony of extremely loud and purposefully ignorant and disruptive voices sucking up a lion’s share of the air in the room. Loud, angry (or faux-angry) voices are definitely provocative and exciting, but if they become the norm they become irritating background noise we tune out. I find hope in the democratization of information flow inherent in youtube and substack and other constantly emerging platforms. I never would have heard half the radical free thinkers I love - even when I don’t agree with them - without these platforms. The Tom McDonalds and Rens and AOCs and so many more voices that don’t speak from my experience, yet move and provoke me. This brings me hope.

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Sep 13, 2023Liked by The Starfire Codes

Ask and you shall receive.

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Humans naturally followed a window of what is good and bad to talk about, even way back in tribes.

The current shit show is horrible, but at least it helps people realize that their "tribe" is a bit crazy and abusive.

It's like being in a dysfunctional family where at some point family members finally realize that it's ok to speak out. After that, they have to face the enablers who unconsciously gaslight the free thinker for thinking outside the box. We are seeing them in society that ignore the key issues and go along with their party and the economic system.

Until they see this dysfunction, the Overton window remains and functions like side blinders for race horses, giving them tunnel vision.

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Sep 13, 2023Liked by The Starfire Codes

The Overton window immediately brought to mind Chomsky. You included his quote too: "The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum."

It's crazy thinking the whole system can be relegated to a "postage stamp consensus"..as Mr Icke puts it.

Fantastic perspectives and insights to mull over. Thank you.

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Dec 17, 2023Liked by The Starfire Codes

Just the term "overton's window", spreading it around, like wildfire, will help ppl escape the window -don't you think? Nice piece!... I restocked it!..

and by the way, my professor at Northwood institute in the early 80s used to be president of the Mackinac Center. His name is Lawrence Reed- he runs the Foundation for Economic Education.

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Glad I took the time to read this entire article (likely a couple combined). I’ve also written about every similar concepts, what I call the “digital ghetto”. This is an important message and you’re doing humanity a service here.

As for a new model, I’ve never found a better one than that provided by the CTMU. Have you heard of this before?

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Well done Demi. Having access to your posts raises my expectations for humanity. Thank you.

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Why are some people so quick to label as "Conspiracy Theories" any idea that doesn't align with the mainstream ( & totally fraudulent ) concepts.

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Sep 14, 2023·edited Sep 14, 2023Liked by The Starfire Codes

A wonder-full piece. Take it from someone with no college education, someone who describes his four-year high school career as the best eight days of his life: even someone like me, someone with no Overton-approved credentials whatsoever can be just as misleading as any Ivy-League graduate.

Elite credentialed protectionism is precisely why the scoundrels on Wall Street, the scoundrels in Washington DC, and the scoundrels in academia are all the same scoundrels at different stages of their careers. I call it conspiracy by fiat, and it's what happens when the top jobs in government, industry, and academia become interchangeable and incestuous components of single ambitious careers. Conspiracy by fiat is inevitable when generations of brilliant students from the same Ivy League business and law schools are all taught to think the same way about the same things by tenured professors who likewise all think the same way about the same things. It’s what happens when those same students graduate with virtually identical ambitions of power and success. Old-fashioned conspiracy by design is hardly necessary when conspiracy by fiat not only satisfies the same ends, but offers plausible deniability to everyone and accountability to no one. The ultimate lack of accountability in the long tail of credentialism means those with power are simply no longer required to explain it. All of the narratives that once fit inside the Overton Window have failed. All that remains is the brute exercise of raw power.

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Fantastic piece! You touch on so many critical points when it comes to discussion, dialectics and steering the public towards narratives. I really enjoyed how you tied in credentialism with only allowing certain institutions that are puffed up through the school system to control the dialectic. It really does boil down to (and you systemically explain this very well) managing dialectics. Additionally, when people hear the word "fringe" it really is a spell played upon the public; for that image is already placed in the mind of land that is not explored, nor should it be. With most people devoid of the Trivium way of thinking, they don't have the mindset to go out to the fringe and apply the Trivium method to even see if there is truth. I also loved your bits of humor spread throughout, like "Me listening to both sides of the argument."

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Very nice. I don't have as much faith in the idea of citizen journalism based on new technologies as I used to because as you point out that can be easily faked and used to serve the interests of those who are in power.

That said what you say about a fake and engineered opposition is 1000% correct.

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Rewarding read, thank you for sharing! Instinctively, as a teenager, I never felt compelled to vote. My intuition led me to understand that it is controlled.

However, I have become aware that without the darkness, we cannot see and appreciate the light.

I believe that we can and should shift our perspective while removing ourselves from the "so called" left wing/right wing of the same bird. We learn to become grateful for what the darkness showed us and begin to see that light and truth comes from within us.

We need not search for truth outside of ourselves. We are ultimately seeking to know ourselves and who we are at a soul level. Know the truth and the truth (only you) can set you free.

Be the light and the change you wish to see in the world 🕊️

Blessing to all, namaste 🙏

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Sep 13, 2023Liked by The Starfire Codes

I love this essay !

Everyone naturally likes being with like minded friends and communities, and that entails conformity within the group and often hostility towards ideas or opinions associated with the "other." Your essay describes it well, including its presence among dissidents. If you like "x" you must be a "y" and like all "y"s, you must hate "z." Thousands of Overton windows, large and small, scattered across the spectrum, overlapping like Venn diagrams, and most of them firing shots at each other.

I'm in a strange place. I sample ideas and information from every opinion camp without ever finding a tribe to fully join. I play with ideas and compare them, keeping whatever I find of value and discarding the rest without any great hostility. I know quite a bit about a lot of things, and many of my interests and viewpoints seem contradictory (even "fighting words") to others. It's pretty easy for me to find some common ground with almost anyone, and I even tend to dress and act in a way that's both conventional and eclectic. I have plenty of friends, but I'm always at risk of offending them if they got a good look at my book collection and browsing history. It's a good thing I enjoy my own company.

Substacks like this seem to be communities for people who sample and explore other communities. But do we also have our own tribal Overton window?

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Bravo, Demi!! 🙌🙌

Not only beautifully said but also solution-oriented. I love this piece and appreciate your time and effort to write & share it. ❤️

You gotta know the Overton Window is a broken concept when there are more than one of them! I can’t count how many times I’ve encountered a communication breakdown (back in the day when I’d entertain such convos ;) when I and a friend found ourselves using different definitions for “left” and “right”! For example, I was taught that fascism/collectivism is “left” and anarchy/self-governance is on the right but that is not what is propagated through mainstream narratives.

And that very communication breakdown between two once-connected souls is the indication that the stupid “Overton window mind prison” is working and doing what it was designed to do.

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Sep 13, 2023Liked by The Starfire Codes

Excellent! Thank you . You really expressed what we all need to hear & recognize. I personally believe that the “acceptable discourse,” is being controlled by the banks and “elite,” along with a well run, long term campaign or sci-op, which has resulted in creating fear, tunnel vision, along with that need to step back into conformity by going along with the acceptable side(a). Those in control, who know their agenda, create the acceptable discourse to meet their needs, as they model and mold the desired behavior for the population. Violence is even allowed and acceptable when done by the “correct” groups. That helps the illusion that we are able to express ourselves. We fail to observe that those who engage in the “correct” violence or “protest” are not arrested and the incidents quickly disappear from the media.

The modeled behavior directed by those really in charge, is often quite different from their personal behavior and the opposite of the world they are creating for themselves. Their far beyond “privileged” values are not meant for anyone else.

We may participate in what we believe to be an intelligent, well thought out, intellectual disagreements with each other, as long the subject remains within the boundaries defined by the various forms of media. Anything truly controversial, especially if it contains truth is quickly silenced.

As you mentioned, it becomes a risk in this society to think and act outside these created boundaries. True freedom of speech is an illusion , as those who are brave enough to actually question , observe, research and then state their questions, observations and conclusions publicly , quickly find that they are loosing those “close friends,” then reputations, jobs, family members, and safety, etc., as they become labeled, threatened, and , in effect, banished.

I love your ideas and potential methods of creating change. This will need to be strategized with many brave individuals being willing to meet and create alternative supports, services and communities. I’m in.

Again, thanks so much for these brilliant observations.

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