This would never happen now.
This is Jim Garrison in 1967 giving a retort to NBC highlighting his perspective regarding the Kennedy assassination.
To look at this from a 2021 perspective makes this absolutely mind blowing that this nationally broadcast television event would ever even have occurred. This, in turn, shows you exactly how far we have fallen.
The people who have recollections of any of this now that are clear were only children or young adults when this occurred. They're now in their 60s or above. The older they get, the more of them pass away, the more we lose cultural perspective on what used to be culturally normal for us.
In one generation, it is possible to completely lose an entire way of life due to brainwashing and forgetting.
This specific message was by no means normal - in the video, Garrison is discussing holes in the theory of how a beloved president was murdered - but the idea of setting aside equal time for a dissenting viewpoint absolutely was.
I invite you to think about the way this differs from life now, what we have been taught to accept, and what we would have rejected outright had we not been taught otherwise over time.
If you ask most people at this point, they reject the lone gunman theory that was put forward by the United States government to explain the Kennedy assassination.
What most people don't realize is that the derisive term "conspiracy theorist" was created by the CIA during these years. The term was specifically crafted in order to ridicule anyone who did not buy the official story, to get people who rejected the nonsensical lone gunman theory put forward as the government's official explanation to capitulate through the extreme social pressure of potential ostracism. This was literally to keep the inclination to question the truth from spreading. It was to keep you from developing pattern recognition skills, to keep you from trusting your own eyes, to dissuade you from thinking for yourself, and, if you engaged in these activities regardless, it provided a framework for gaslighting you, for making you seem like a lunatic so that no one else would willingly engage in thinking for themselves after witnessing the way anyone else was treated for doing exactly that.