As always moving article Demi

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It is the truth

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Feb 5Liked by The Starfire Codes

A great boost of positivity to start the week with. Thank you.

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Feb 5Liked by The Starfire Codes

Thanks Demi <3

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I feel this. Thank you 😊 💜

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I love that Barry White song. I've probably listened to it 1,000s of times in my lifetime. 🎵

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Feb 5Liked by The Starfire Codes

It's as if you are speaking directly to me. Thank you thank you!

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Thank you

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I feel spiritual Awakening is the birth right of every human being and the solution to all this pain and suffering caused by the egoistic mind. Improving one's Self through turning inwards, we are always concerned with what we see outside to the extent we forget there's the inside world, a world you can experience by only closing your two eyes in silence. A good place to start is to not believe or disbelieve in anything anyone tells you about yourself or the world around you, just embark on the journey of find out everything by yourself. Do constant observations of your thoughts and emotions as they come and go without interfering, just observe how they come and go. Every now and then during the day stop what you're doing and take deep breathes to slow down and come back to the present moment. Look directly into your eyes in the mirror occasionally and ask yourself, "Who am I?" Try meditating just for some 15 minutes each day sitting in silence without any distractions just closing your eyes and letting your thoughts go on autopilot without interfering or trying to stop them, just observing and eventually thoughts calm down by themselves, improve on the meditation each day. Do all this inner work being sincere and not serious, the objective is calming down the mind from the everyday ceaseless chatter into peace and bliss.

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Oh my gosh, I so needed to read exactly this today. Thank you so much! ❤️

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I'm so glad it resonated! I hope you're having a great weekend, Jenna!! ❤️

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Feb 6Liked by The Starfire Codes

Do you know @Emily Charlotte Powel? She's got this awesome post from a few weeks ago that fits in so nicely with this first message. Here. Since this is 'Channeled Messages' I think you'll like it.


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Thank you!

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Feb 6Liked by The Starfire Codes

Wow! Yet again! If this is only Demi or “half” methinks my heart would explode if I got the “full”.

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Inspirational! Thank you. Thoroughly enjoyed that meditation ☺️

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