You Can Have A Few Rotten Years And Still Thrive
Stay present. This is something no one tells you about why staying present is the key to happiness.
This is something I'm being guided to share because I think people need to hear it.
I know I needed to hear it, and I wish someone would have told me this a very, very long time ago... so I'd like to pay that forward and I hope that you will find benefit in my words.
"I wanted to make the perceived potential a reality. And I learned that we can't do that."
THIS is the source of ALL PAIN.
Stop projecting futures that haven't begun yet in place of the future you already have that you don't know yet.
The discrepancy between the two futures - the life that is yours and the life you will never live but you are trying to force, got attached to, tried to make work, and never was - causes PAIN.
Stay in the present and take baby steps toward whatever you want to create every day.
I learned this THE HARD WAY.
And I broke my own heart.
But now I know better.
There's something else I want to add for those of you who are inclined toward manifestation or timeline jumping... if you plan too far ahead, you leave no room for serendipity, you leave no room for the universe to co-create with you, you leave no room for surprises to happen to make life what it is an pivot you in a new direction in which you find something you never even would have been able to guess would have been available to you at the time.
Rigidity in the way you decide you would like to receive ties the universe's hands. It blocks your blessings. Take baby steps, watch for synchronicities, and keep moving forward. Sometimes when you take a minute to stop and smell the roses you end up in conversations and meet people who end up changing your life - and your life becomes something that you could not have otherwise imagined.
How can the universe give you something better than what you thought you could ever have if you think you know better than the universe? (Or god/gods/creation... whatever you choose to call it or define your relationship with this concept is 100% valid...)
Leave room for that.
Leave space for that.
Simply ask. Feel what having that would feel like in your heart. Allow. Receive. And be surprised when what you get is better than what you ever thought could be.
The Photo (Log Ring Lives) Is So Profoundly Fitting For This Incredible Read - This Image Is Etched In My Memory Now ... Great Report 💥❤️🤩❤️🇺🇸
One of the important lessons I received in Texas in 2020 is to receive and accept God's love. It came about this way. A visiting preacher was speaking to our church group. He said that he had been at a powerful revival meeting and was shown a vision of Jesus Christ walking through the crowd all around him. Every time Jesus would pass near the preacher would say, "Jesus, I love you." But Jesus kept walking, as if He didn't hear. After this happened a few times the preacher asked a friend nearby for advice. The friend lit up a smile of understanding and recognition.
The friend said, "Tell Jesus you receive and accept His love." And this was done, after which Jesus smiled upon the preacher.
God knows better than anyone who you really are and what you really want, even if you don't know to want it.