What I'm Watching: Your Life Is A Movie... Here's How To Control It
We take a look at Gratitude, Appreciation, Timothy Leary, Robert Anton Wilson, Jack Parsons, Aleister Crowley, Terence McKenna, L. Ron Hubbard, Monarch Programming, Alters, Astral Travel and more....
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We take a look at Gratitude, Appreciation, Timothy Leary, Robert Anton Wilson, Jack Parsons, Aleister Crowley, Terence McKenna, L. Ron Hubbard, Monarch Programming, Alters, Astral Travel, Clones, Shapeshifting and more.
Bernadette Banner. (2022). Making an OnlyFans for Saucy Victorian Ankle Pics. (But why the historical ankle obsession?) YouTube.
David McEwen. (2024). Your Life Is A Movie... Here's how to control it. YouTube.
Globalvision, Inc. (2019). Beyond Life With Timothy Leary. YouTube.
The Imagination Podcast. (2024). S4E84 | Niklas - MONARCH Programming & Alters, Astral Travel, Clones, Shapeshifting, & Consciousness. YouTube.
"Today I’m honored to introduce to you another incredible male survivor speaking out publicly for the first time: MK ULTRA survivor and whistleblower, former MONARCH asset and psychic super soldier, graffiti artist and painter, traveler, and absolute badass: Niklas! A little bit about Niklas in case you missed our bombshell first episode together where we shared his testimony: unlike many of the guests you’ve heard on this podcast, Niklas was not born into a multi-generational family. His story is fascinating - and terrifying - in that he was recruited into MONARCH and MK ULTRA through his spiritual gifts that were discovered through various methods of testing by adults who should have been protecting him. Unbeknownst to Niklas’s parents, he was baited into underground bases and used in various torture and mind control programs where he was programmed and used as psychic super soldier. Niklas got many of his memories back at the young age of 14 and more memories surfaced recently at age 33. And ever since, he has been on a quest to understand what happened ot him as a child. Niklas’s story is important because it brings awareness as to how children are recruited into mind control programs without having to come from a satanic or generational family. Niklas came from what he considers to be a normal family and was still sought out to be a ‘chosen one’ which is every parent's worst nightmare. His story can help us to understand these recruitment methods as well as how such heinous abuse can stay hidden out of sight and out of mind without even the parents and immediate families knowing. What else Niklas’s story exposed that was that there are multiple layers to where we can exist at any given time and that spiritual and astral realms are prime for child experimentation. The most horrifying part of all is that the child doesn’t even have to leave it’s own room. Predators can access children from different brainwave states including - in Niklas’s case - REM sleep. Niklas would be taken from the comfort of his own bed into the Dulce underground bases and no one around him suspected anything at all was happening - including him. In our first episode - which was Niklas’s first time ever publicly disclosing his testimony - we discussed sleep abductions, remote psychic assassinations, poltergeists, reptilians, levitation, shapeshifters and even surviving wolf cages under Disney. And this time around, we are going to be diving deeper into few topics of interest that YOU were all interested in that we discussed briefly on the last episode including clones and cloning, alters, and more about the programming that Niklas experienced. The point that really hit home for myself and many of you regarding Niklas’s testimony was his deep understanding on the part that love plays in all of this. To counteract evil, there must be a monumental combative force of love. Love is the light that blocks out the darkness. And no one demonstrates this better on a day to day basis than Niklas. Despite what he went through - and despite all the time, energy and effort Niklas’s abusers went through to turn him away from the inherent diving light in his heart, Niklas became the light and his now using the power of his testimony to demolish the darkness in it’s with the love and light his abusers could never take from him. I ask you to put away whatever you’re doing and give this brave warrior your full attention as we continue to learn some incredibly ground-breaking new information together!"
Intellectual Deep Web. (2018). Robert Anton Wilson - Jack Parsons and Aleister Crowley. YouTube.
"Few people are aware of Marvel Whiteside Parsons (a.k.a Jack Parsons), co-founder of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratories. Parsons made major contributions to rocket development, particularly in the area of solid fuel propellant. The solid motors on the Space Shuttle and the motors in the Minuteman missile were based on the solid propellant technology that he invented. He was a founding member of Aerojet Corporation, and he even has a crater on the dark side of the moon named after him. So why isn’t he as celebrated as the other founding fathers of spaceflight? Aleister Crowley, born Edward Alexander Crowley, was a British occultist, writer, mountaineer, philosopher, poet, mystic, drug experimenter, and chess player. He was an influential member in several occult organizations, including the Golden Dawn, the A∴A∴, and Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.), and is best known today for his occult writings, especially The Book of the Law, the central sacred text of Thelema. He gained much notoriety during his lifetime, and was infamously dubbed "The Wickedest Man in the World."
Let Me Show You Your Mind. (2024). REJECT AUTHORITY - AUTHORITY IS A LIE ! Terence McKenna Full Talk (Remastered). YouTube.
"In a captivating lecture, Terence McKenna passionately encouraged his audience to "reject authority" and boldly declared that "authority is a lie." This insightful talk delves into dismantling societal norms, challenging viewers to question and resist the control exerted by "dominator culture." McKenna's powerful message resonates with themes of personal autonomy, individual expression, and freedom, offering a transformative perspective on societal structures. Delving into the intriguing dichotomy of "Dominator Culture Versus The Vegetable Matrix," McKenna explores the profound impact of plants, especially psychedelic ones, on human consciousness. This segment sheds light on the symbiotic relationship between humans and plants, emphasizing the role of a "Vegetable Matrix" as a gateway to expanded consciousness and a deeper understanding of the self and the universe. Viewers are invited to contemplate the holistic connection between humanity and the natural world, resonating with McKenna's profound insights into the spiritual and cognitive benefits of engaging with plant consciousness. The lecture's focal point, "Intuitional Mathematics Explains Nature," takes audiences on a journey into altered states of consciousness, unveiling the mysteries of reality. McKenna advocates for the idea that intuition and experiential understanding can unlock the mathematical patterns inherent in nature. This unique blend of psychedelic exploration, philosophical inquiry, and a deep appreciation for interconnectedness serves as a compelling narrative, inviting viewers to explore the transformative potential of personal experience and intuition in deciphering the secrets of the natural world."
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Rikki Rockett’s Legend Tripping. (2020). DEMONS, ROCKETS AND DEVIL'S GATE DAM. YouTube.
"What does Aleister Crowley, L. Ron Hubbard and Rocketeer, Jack Parsons all have in common? Devil's Gate Dam! But, is it a really portal to hell? Devil's Gate Dam is favorite place for hikers and joggers, but it holds a very dark past. From the connections between JPL founder, Jack Parsons The Sex-Crazed Father of Modern Rocketry and Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard to the abduction of children and the Ordo Templi Orientis, a religious secret society led by Aleister Crowley. The dark runs deep and it’s time once again, to separate fact from urban legend in DEMONS & ROCKETS AT DEVIL'S GATE DAM!"
Robert Sepehr. (2022). Jack Parsons and Esoteric Templar Science - ROBERT SEPEHR. YouTube.
We Plants Are Happy Plants. (2020). Terence McKenna - We're Inside A Larger Organism. YouTube.
"How is it that each of our lives is a work of art of unbelievable chance encounters, coincidences and wishes projected onto the world but never spoken and strangely fulfilled in the oddest ways?"
Special thanks to and .
What are YOU watching? Post it in the comments below….
Dynamite Demi! 💥 Love Sepehr and McKenna. (His voice, though!) I’ll check out that demons one later tonight for my light relaxation time. 😂
Robert anton Wilson was a genius in my opinion. Thanks for the information download