What I'm Watching: Artificial Intelligence Exposes our History?
We take a look at the Taos hum, the dark night of the soul, zazen, panpsychism, alchemy, remote viewing, ghost ships, psychic octopi, old world architecture, and more.
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We take a look at the Taos hum, the dark night of the soul, zazen, panpsychism, alchemy, remote viewing, ghost ships, psychic octopi, old world architecture, and more.
Abundantia. (2021). This company owns the world (and it's our fault) - BlackRock. YouTube.
"BlackRock: the company that owns the world. You may have never heard of them, but I guarantee they're having some kind of impact on your life, your debt, the cost of things in the world around you, and even our environment. I wanted to create a little bit of a different video here, to shine some light on some of the reasons the world is the way it is, especially in regards to the economic state of things. Sometimes, you might think that debt, credit, ownership, and prices are just the way they are by accident. But here, I'll show you that due to the way the world is owned, a lot of this is on purpose. This is scary. Really scary. And what's concerning is BlackRock (and their main competitor Vanguard) is only getting more and more powerful by the day. But the good news is, the power is in our hands."
Asangoham. (2022). The Dark Night Of The Soul (The Death Before Immortality). YouTube.
"To experience true happiness, you must first know what despair feels like. With no despair, you won’t have a point of reference to measure your happiness. St. John of the Cross tells us that Darkness can only be defined in relation to its opposite: Light! So, for him, experiencing the Dark Night of the Soul is as necessary for the devout mystic as experiencing spiritual bliss is. Today we have a different video than usual, but an important one nonetheless. Let's have a look at how spiritual depression can look like and how to get over it."
Asangoham. (2022). Zen Master Dōgen Zenji: Four Lessons About Genuine Enlightenment | Zen Quotes. YouTube.
"Dōgen Zenji was the founder of the 'Sōtō' Zen School of Buddhism in Japan. His legacy can be directly experienced in the Monastery of Eihei-Ji in the Yoshida District at Fukui, Japan. His Zazen teachings are still practiced today by many devoted Buddhists who follow the "Zenji Way." But before Dogen became the spiritual master we all know today, he was just a plain, low-ranking monk in 13th-century Japan with some deep questions that no one he knew could answer. For Master Dogen, the path to enlightenment is in itself enlightenment. Being enlightened is always an option in our daily lives if we just understand the true nature of enlightenment and the Buddha. Today lets look at some of his most profound quotes and wisdom."
Benn Jordan. (2024). The Controversial Sound Only 2% Of People Hear. YouTube.
"Since the early 1960's, an increasing number of people have been hearing (and feeling) a sound causing everything from annoyance to psychosis to death. We have a deeply objective look at what could be causing it."
ESOTERICA. (2020). Five Misconceptions about Alchemy. YouTube.
"Alchemy is one of the most misrepresented and poorly understood aspects of Western Esotericism. This video takes a look at five misconceptions from both the scientific dismissal of alchemy to the purely spiritual/psychological interpretation of its processes and symbolism."
ESOTERICA. (2020). Necromancy and Magic - The Munich Necromancer's Manual - CLM 849 - Real Historical Book of Magic. YouTube.
"The first in a series here at Esoterica exploring books of magic or grimoires. This episode takes a look at the Munich Necromancer's Manual: the spells inside (summoning a castle, a 'love' spell and a spell to find buried treasure), the author and their historical context, and more books are medieval magic."
The Institute of Art and Ideas. (2019). How Panpsychism Can Explain Consciousness | Rupert Sheldrake. YouTube.
"What if the whole universe is conscious? Rupert Sheldrake explains how panpsychism is the best explanation we have today for how we can understand consciousness. Rupert Sheldrake is a biologist and author of more than 85 scientific papers and 9 books, and the co-author of 6 books. He was among the top 100 Global Thought Leaders for 2013, as ranked by the Duttweiler Institute, Zurich, Switzerland's leading think tank. His two most recent books Science and Spiritual Practices and Ways to Go Beyond And Why They Work are about rediscovering ways of connecting with the more-than-human world through direct experience."
Intuitive Public TV. (2024). Jacqueline Rendell • Intuitive Public TV. YouTube.
Metaphysical. (2022). The Story Behind 1899: What Really Happened to Cursed Ship Mary Celeste? YouTube.
"Do ghost ships exist? And if so, what causes them? Netflix’s series called 1899 explores some of these mysteries, but what actually happened to the Mary Celeste ship—and more importantly, what was left out of today’s accounts? From mysterious, ship-following fog to dead sea captains, from disappearing crews to conspiracies and insurance fraud, this shipwreck of a mystery goes deeper than we ever imagined. Join remote viewer John Vivanco and investigative researcher Rob Counts for a remote view of the Mary Celeste ship, their personal experiences, and so much more."
MrYamable. (2010). The Life, Story and Prediction of Paul the Octopus ( Part 1). YouTube.
"Meet Paul the Octopus. This sea creature is famous for its ability to predict World Cup matches especially for the Germans."
My Lunch Break. (2023). 25 Days of Horses and Wagons? YouTube.
My Lunch Break. (2023). Artificial Intelligence Exposes our History? YouTube.
My Lunch Break. (2023). Barbarians in Airships? YouTube.
My Lunch Break. (2023). The Old World East Coast? YouTube.
My Lunch Break. (2023). The Old World in Cream City? YouTube.
My Lunch Break. (2023). Secrets Behind the Symbols? YouTube.
My Lunch Break. (2023). Star Forts and Flames? YouTube.
My Lunch Break. (2023). St. Louis, The Gateway to Egypt? Pt. 1. YouTube.
My Lunch Break. (2023). St. Louis, The Gateway to Egypt? Pt. 2. YouTube.
My Lunch Break. (2023). Timeline Begins in 1800? - Pt 2. YouTube.
My Lunch Break. (2023). Tunnels Below Our Feet? YouTube.
My Lunch Break. (2023). Welcome to Tartaria, Wisconsin? YouTube.
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Still It. (2024). I Made A 1800's French Absinthe To See If I Trip Balls. YouTube.
"I made a belle epoque Absinthe, A historic French absinthe popular between the mid-1800s and the early 1900s. There is a very interesting story behind its rise to popularity and its demonification. In a lot of ways its the time period that created the modern feelings of romance and mystique around absinthe. But that's probably not why you are here. You want to know if A historically accurate absinthe will make you hallucinate. So I will make it, drink a decent amount and see if I trip balls."
Tucker Carlson. (2024). Why You Shouldn’t Take the Black Pill. YouTube.
Veritasium. (2022). The world depends on a collection of strange items. They're not cheap. YouTube.
Special thanks to , Dynamic DV, , , and Taoist Sage.
What are YOU watching? Post it in the comments below….
I am often amused when I read your watch list because I am basically watching all the same channels. Apparently we're attracted to the same rabbit holes. But every once in a while you link me to a new one and I appreciate that.
Thank you beauty, for including one of my favourite conversations with one of my very favourite new humans! 💖💖💖