We Called It: Women Who Took The Shot Are Now Lying About Their Shot Status To Date Men Concerned with Infertility Issues
This was an obvious turn of events. We are living in a sick game of genocidal musical chairs, and you had better find your partner before the music stops.
Let’s discuss “prikspijt.” This was the most popula new word in Holland in 2021. This new word is so popular that it is four times more popular than any other word in the last century. The Dutch word “prikspijt” translates to JAB REGRETS.
Seen here, “prikpooier” translates to JAB PIMP.
You can see which way the tide is turning.
An article was released by The COVID World on January 4 which discusses jab regrets in a way that we covered quite a while back in Dating Heuristics in the Time of the Great Bifurcation.
The author of the article states, “Everyone was told that those who did not get the jab would regret it, but now it seems that the opposite is true. In a startling reversal, women who have had the COVID [shot] are being shunned in the dating scene by potential partners due to issues with possible birth defects and infertility. Women in New York have started lying about their [shot] status because of widespread perception among men that they are infertile or will bear children with birth defects…. Unfortunately, many women ‘trusted the science’ from the MSM and are now reaping the consequences of their government’s actions in amplifying propaganda and silencing dissenting voices.”
In December, the same publication reported that an explosive rise in Ontario stillbirths among women who had taken the shot was causing a stir in Ontario’s Parliament.
According to Public Health Scotland, there was also a sharp increase in the number of dead newborns in September.
Let me start by saying that my heart goes out to anyone to whom this has happened. Losing your baby or your grandchild because you trusted your government to have your best interests is heartbreaking on top of terrifying. It’s something that cracks open your entire sense of what reality is. It causes a kind of cultural vertigo that begets an existential crisis compounding loss, grief, trauma, paranoia, and fear into complex emotions that many people have not experienced before now.
On a personal level, I’m sending my love to all of you who are dealing with this. What a fucking nightmare.
On a cultural and professional level, this was so incredibly obvious to many of us - alt media journalists, researchers, memelords, former military, mediums, coaches, traders, and entrepreneurs - who were ALL thinking WAY ahead of the curve, trying to warn everyone and keep them safe.
To be frank, when the results are dire and heartbreaking, it burns our asses that you didn’t listen to us while simultaneously breaking our hearts that we couldn’t keep all of you - the people we know personally - from the pain. Honestly, on top of the rest of the impact from this situation, I fear for the resulting wave of survivor’s guilt we’re going to see from this alone.
If you have only a limited mainstream understanding of how the media functions, it might be surprising to you how often the media is at least two years behind our thinking.
I do not want to communicate this out of ego. It’s the opposite inclination: I want to communicate this to show you that this is a fact so that maybe when we say things from now on you will please try take them into consideration when you make your decisions.
We knew it was bound to go this way - the media are clearly compromised and will not adjust their story until public opinion reaches a tipping point.
We covered that here:
But here’s something to ponder besides that orb of yours: Why concentrate on only women who took the shot as infertile or prone to producing birth defects in offspring?
Newsflash: It takes two purebloods to tango properly. Even though a woman is a pureblood, the results will be suboptimal at best if the sperm she gets is genetically modified.
At least non-GMO sperm was mentioned in the last paragraph of The COVID World’s article as an aside: “For those ‘purebloods’, the men and women who have managed to last this long and withstand the pressure to get vaccinated, there is widespread expectation that unvaccinated women and unvaccinated sperm will be extremely valuable. Indeed, some have joked that it may be the next Bitcoin.”
The Starfire Codes reported on this back in September based on a series of conversations and posts amongst friends from Q2 2020 to Q2 2021:
For best results, if you are looking forward to having children, please take these thoughts into consideration in choosing a partner with whom to procreate.
If you are unable now… I have no words. I’m sorry. Again, I can’t express this sentiment enough - I tried very hard to warn everyone and I’m sending you my love.
Also, please pay attention to the fact that the narrative is now being altered in the news.
This is especially relevant now because the script is starting to flip.
The Dark Triad Plan to Flip the Script is underway. You can read about that here:
And it’s already begun to happen.
Case in point, watch this video clip from FOX News that was posted by Easton Spectator:
Easton Spectator. (2021). FOX News Drops Serious Truth Bombs The Narrative Is Over. Easton Spectator.
This is going to be a bumpy ride, folks.
When people begin to realize they’ve been played, that they were never in the majority, that they took a shot out of a psychotic version of hypochondria that does not adhere to any form of logic whatsoever, and that this shot literally made them sick or infertile, and perhaps even killed their loved ones, instead of preventing them from becoming ill… what do you think the formerly aggressively compliant are going to do?
And there will be no back pedaling for the people who were so concerned with being right or wrong, and with what other people think of them, that they literally self-harmed in order to keep up appearances.
All we can do now is press on and hope we can find a way to get this SHIT out of your bodies for good.
Special thanks to Todd Brian, Kurt Jensen, Max Marmer, Amelia Zarden, and others who prefer to remain anonymous.