Norse winter ambient and Arctic ancestral rituals
40 - Divine Blessings and Support
48 - Manifestation of Abundance
743 - Ignite Your Imaginations
1640 - Keep It Up: You Are Doing An Excellent Job
4048 - Effort and Prayers: Growing in Business
Oracle Cards:
Aphrodite is a water goddess, created from the foam of the sea. The violet tones here suggest a connection to the higher planes via the crown chakra. She plays the pan flute, a symbol of fertility and fawning over a lost love. Aphrodite stands for anything that makes the heart sing, especially music, nature, and the arts. The dove hears her music and approaches to bring her peace. Love is the force that brings about all of creation. You are being asked to spread joy through levity, reflection, creativity, expression, and art wherever you go by using the gifts to which your heart feels most connected.
You’re being asked to use the wisdom of your heart to guide you toward the truth, to utilize love as fuel to bravely face your fears so that you can realize truths that might be difficult to face and absorb them into your reality. Notice the invisible patterns that show you we are expanded consciousness and a part of the all. If you bring this knowledge to all that you do and all that you are, you will be in greater alignment with the universe.
Be open to the spiritual influence of your ancestors as you go through this process. Look to the way they lived and the wisdom that they held. They are here to help guide you toward the right decisions that are in alignment with love and truth. If you heed their advice and you are brave and honest about where you are headed you will be able to create the most authentic life possible. In doing so, everything will flow more easily for you. It can be difficult and it might run counter to what you have known so far or may require you to part ways with people or ideas that no longer serve the version of yourself you want to become or the life that you want to live, but following the notion of what is truest to you will take you there.
In the Union card, we see a Tantric goddess sitting in a divine temple of worship. All colors of all chakras are represented here as she experiences the ecstasy of divine union. Looking inward, you will realize that what you are is what you seek. This card suggests that there is a beginning of a divine relationship approaching or underway. As the surrounding cards also suggest, you will be guided by your ancestors and your heart to make the right choices for you. You have suffered through duplicitous relationships in the past. You have been forgiving and have shown tenderness and mercy, as well as gratitude for the lessons you have learned from difficult situations. Your guides want to restore balance for you. They want to help you move toward what will be most sacred and fulfilling to you, but you have to ask before they can intervene. You will know which choices to make by moving toward the authenticity of your heart’s desires. Be curious and notice when even small things light up your heart and fill up your cup. You can use this information to light your way. Whatever rings truest for you will be correct and will bring you luck and a renewed sense of optimism.
Danheim - Mannavegr
David Allan Coe - Jack Daniels, If You Please
Elton John - I'm Still Standing
Flower Face - Cornflower Blue
Fuimadane - Raise Your Horn for Danheim
M83 - Wait
Tonic - If You Could Only See
VAST - Touched
Special thanks to Sophia.