The Rule Is You Have To Dance A Little Bit In The Morning Before You Leave The House Because It Changes The Way You Walk Out In The World
Channeled Messages 8-5-2024
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Channeled Messages
You are awakening your passion, moving through a portal into a new relationship or a new life. This is a sign of optimism and hope, the end of a time of stagnancy which is ushering in the end of a period of tension and uncertainty….
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Planning for success will require taking the time now to complete any outstanding projects before this change comes in. You have time now and you may not have as much time later.
Eliminate any clutter or negative energy from your life at this time. Cleaning up any habits that lead you to perceive the world from a distorted view point will give you a leg up.
Move away from any negative thinking; if you imagine miracles, miracles will arrive. There has been a lot that has happened in your life that has left you wondering why, but instead of focusing on that energy, you are being guided to be brave and move forward into the next phase of your life.
When you surrender your negativity to a higher power, a transformation occurs that brings about a rebirth for you. As you move into this upgraded version of yourself having transformed your energy, the karmic wheel turns int your favor and victory comes in for you.
Your perspective changes and you are able to see a way forward into a life with balanced resources. After what you have been through, the karmic scales need to balance, and so you are being given your ultimate emotional wish fulfillment, closing out multiple cycles so that you can begin your new life fresh.
Clairaudience (Earworm)
America - A Horse With No Name
Let Go of Negative Thinking
1311 - Make Good Choices: Teach Yourself Good Manners
2324 - Awaken Your Passion
3113 - A Sign Optimism And Hope
6613 - Planning For Success
7244 - Declutter: Eliminate Clutter in Life and Be Happy
Oracle and Tarot Cards
Cake - The Distance
Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young - Woodstock
Fleetwood Mac - Second Hand News
Journey - Who’s Crying Now
The Monkees - Valleri
Neil Young - Harvest Moon
Nine Inch Nails - The Wretched
Outkast - Ms. Jackson
Qveen Herby - Gorgeous
Special thanks to , Human Beeing, and Risteeka.
My dance is practicing my draw before leaving the house.
Nothing makes me happier than knowing I can get a round on target in under a second.
Very inspiring, thanks Demi.
Wow! What wonderful advice! Indeed I will dance in the morning.