Reality Is A Projection of Your Thoughts or the Things You Habitually Think About
Our Way of Thinking and Believing Creates Good Or Bad Outcomes
All outcomes have already happened and are happening simultaneously.
All permutations already exist.
The one you choose to focus upon is the one your chunk of consciousness will experience.
In this way, you call the experience to you.
So focus on the one you actually want - because why would you ever choose to experience the outcomes you don't want?
And yet... that's exactly where your focus goes, doesn't it?
Don't beat yourself up over it.
That won't help either.
Simply correct your thoughts and train them upon what you do want when you see they are focused upon what you don't want.
Do it until it becomes a habit.
The most important part: Take ACTION toward what you want so that the universe KNOWS you want it.
Then you have shown it what you want and it will make sure, as long as your thoughts maintain alignment with that outcome, you are likelier to get what you asked for or something even better.
Thanks, Demi; this one changed my Saturday morning. You really make one stop and be present for a moment, calm down, and reconnect head with heart.The best for you .
Misha from Gamzuletova