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MEME DROP #57: If I Don’t Turn It Into A Joke It Will Destroy Me
DANG it! How much is a therapy session these days? Boy. You had me saying WOW WOW at the beginning.
I was all ready to give you your rave review. Then I got hit with a one two by that line about all your past selves being worthy of your love. Leaky face.
I already knew that, but hearing it coming from someone else is different.
Isn't that weird. I am going to leave myself notes more often.
Seeing it existing in text is different.
That Venus fly trap cracked me up
The no complying and people waking up makes me happy because I understand that metronome!
That feeling of connection with people gathering around a good meme is exactly correct.
The cat image is so beautiful, I wanted to go run and prompt a bunch of beautiful cats by clocks
and other inanimate objects. I have saved that in a new file called "ideas for ai prompts"
A brinicle? I am unfamiliar. THAT's where you got me saying WOW WOW.
I will be looking that up. (and incorporating it into a prompt, probably :)
Aibohphobia...........hahahahahahahaha - Skeletor....heeeeeeeda funny.
The spider thing is exactly what I needed.
I didn't realize the negative charge aspect of what they were doing.
I will be checking that out.
I love the "how to" energy one, I have been using psychic protection, I just never thought of it in those terms.
I saved the cowboys with carriages juxtaposed with cathedrals.
Ah, another possible image idea?
The "Teaching a child" to protect bugs is a wonderful thing.
My youngest would always stand on the periphery of the playground. As soon as someone spotted a bug or lizard he would run over and take charge of the situation, like Steve Irwin, and explain what it is and how it should be gently treated. Or he would hang the lizards off his ear lobes like I taught him to :) Gently.
And I will be applying "do not let your empathy for others
stop you from maintaining the boundaries that you set to protect yourself.
Regularly. Especially this week and this month. I have been talking to myself about this. I take on too much. Too, too, too, too much.
Thank you. Here is $250 of thought energy.
I’ve always been easy to bore. I leap to conclusions before someone finishes speaking or scenes play out. Always plotting outcomes of multiple scenarios as things unfold. Memes have the same effect on me. However I am discovery that if I just slow down and read, even if different memes say the same thing, the message enters memory without effort or triggering the race to conclusions. Some may say it’s simply repetition for memorization. True. But I’ve always known my long term memory self selects perceived important facts in real time and dumps the rest in short term memory soon to be overwritten and forgotten. And my race to conclusion obscures important real time info. Repetitive observations (such as your spiritually aligned memes) help as a form of knowledge attainment. And I get a chuckle every now and then knowing someone else puts both socks on before their shoes.
Even if the ideas seem repetitive, said in different ways, the message gets through. Seeing multiple scenarios and outcomes is a gift I am still learning to control. I find your memes valuable and look forward to them.
Thanks for doing this, Demi.