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MEME DROP #177: History In School, History As A Hobby
Great stuff! So much we don't know about our relatively recent history.
The powers that be are literally re-writing history on the fly these days - just look at how they're saying Kamala was never 'border czar'. If they can change our recent history as much as they do, imagine the possibilities of our potential history going back hundreds of years.
The questions isn't if they are - it's WHY they are, and what are they hiding.
I could write a whole article on any one of these old photos. We need a better medium than a stack of subs for really digging into theories and sharing clues. Regular meetings. It needs to be a full time job for a bunch of historically inclined people. Imagine what we might learn, and boy would that piss off the evil powers in this world.
One example is that sphinx in the grand canyon. Just that by itself is hard to imagine, BUT there's more than a few sources that have found hieroglyphics in caves, Egyptian style pottery, etc. That part of the canyon is off limits and strictly enforced. Etc. etc. etc.
The cycle of air to water and water to air is the energy pathway described in the fleur de lyse type engravings.
Bubbles to drops, drops to bubbles
Bubbles being the fractal
Drops being full bubbles.
We live in the realm of water.
Air is the gaseous form of water.
The grand old buildings have white skies or sky replacements because they hide our sky vehicles.
Visitors arrived by the millions to these exhibitions.
We still dream of flying …
We were connected before we were grounded and given our free dumb.