"Make It Make Sense"
You won't be able to make sense of crazy nonsense no matter how hard you try - and that's exactly what the crazy nonsense you're being fed is meant to do.
Crazy shit is happening to distract us from the other crazy shit happening while we are gaslighted surrounding the lower layer of crazy shit so that you will ask whether both layers of crazy shit are really happening and whether they're real or not.
In a world where "make it make sense" has become the mantra, we have to give up making it make sense because you can't make sense of a bunch of crazy shit that is meant to distract you from the actual crazy shit that is occurring.
People become mired in that energy, wrongly assuming that on some level it must make sense because it's being discussed, not realizing that creating this impenetrable layer of nonsense is a tactic to create mental short circuiting in the populace itself.
The mind that is distracted because it is short circuiting while trying to make sense out of nonsense is so much easier to control.
Special thanks to Boone Cutler.
Confusion is a tool of evil. Designed to make you spin and question your sanity to deflect your attention away from the truth.
You know...that tactic though does make sense...🤣🤪 But on a more serious note, THANK YOU. I know from experience that that tactic is employed and until now, i felt my mental gears have been buzzing around practically nonstop trying to make sense of straight up nonsensical devoid of ANY logic SHIT. It felt like it is especially effective if you value a functioning brain, if you value being human.