Clairaudience (Earworm):
George Michael, Aretha Franklin - I Knew You Were Waiting (For Me)
2743 - Always Be Positive: It Breeds Confidence
Oracle Cards:
Shufflemancy (Music):
Diamond Thug - Empty Streets
Shufflemancy (Spoken Word):
Awakening to Spirit: Collective Message - Psychic Abilities Increasing New Clairvoyant Portals Intensifying
The Holographic Universe Explained
Itzhak Bentov ~ From Atom To Cosmos
Itzhak Bentov - NO-TIME - Expanded Consciousness Mastery of Reality
Susan Inspired - Energy Parasites in Human Energy Systems
Tarot Cards:
You have all of the tools you need to manifest whatever you want.
The message in the dream had another meaning for me besides the Covid app. I had to reinforce a manifestation. "Please try again later." I did. And the manifestation anchored properly. So I would urge all of you to apply the messages to yourselves.
Messages in daily life too: What are you being told? The person might not even know they're doing it at times. The people who have no clue they're being taken over spiritually - ironically, this is who it happens to most often. In my sphere, we lovingly refer to this as someone being “Source's butt puppet." It happens to us all.
Commit to taking a course. Taking action shows the universe you want it.
Now that we have passed through Pisces full moon, if you keep a journal, go back to March 14-17 when it was the last Pisces new moon. See what connects back. Something you were working on manifesting around then is going to be showing up for you now. Figure out what it is and backtrack it to watch how it happened.
Recurring numbers are signs to pay attention. Many of us have our own numbers that have been 'following us' for some time. Pay attention to where it surfaces, and be receptive to the messages. Remind yourself that you exist and catch the moment. Be present. Don't try to imbue meaning, but be open to intuiting it as you feel it move in you. I realized upon further analysis that this has been happening to me for years. I just hadn't noticed the pattern yet. Look back through your own writing, timestamps, dates, conversations, and watch for your resonant numbers. They might not be the same as my resonant numbers. Identify your resonant numbers and then go look and see if there are patterns in the thoughts you're having. My patterns span years. It's eerie. Friends and and I have been doing sort of a loose case study on it with our own data.
Read this article. Chapel Perilous is basically a bizarre metaphysical form of Solomon. If you are the type of person who obsesses over making things fit neatly into quantifiable buckets, when confronted with this, you will lose your shit. That's what RAW means when he talks about only bringing the sword of truth into the chapel and not bringing the wand of intuition or the cup of sympathy with you. It's a different frame and a learning experience. Accept that there are multiple explanations and that you don't need to land on just one. And then use it as a tool.
Work WITH the rune. If there's anything karmically unsound happening around you, clean that shit up.
Mercury Rx: Choose your words and your battles carefully.
If it doesn't need to be said, don't bother saying it or wait until after retrograde to address it if it lingers.
If it needs to be addressed now, go over your words 25 times, sit in empathy for the other person, and make sure your words are making SENSE. This is crucial. When you do not LEAN INTO the energies of Mercury Rx, it will completely screw up ANYTHING throat chakra related. Your communication will SUFFER if you do not put extra time and energy into crafting your messages PERFECTLY.
It's worth the extra time it takes.
Anything you PLAN at this time: Check. Double check. Triple check. Leave NOTHING to chance.
Travel: Expect complications and delays.
Part of Mercury Rx is LEANING INTO hermit mode/star mode. Top of mind should be any inner work that involves HEALING.
Also, anything involving the prefix re- is a GOOD thing right now. Review, revisit, reread, rework, restructure, reorganize, etc. Anything that involves redoing something ends up being auspicious either to repair it or to bring closure to it before the next coming cycle.
Do not assume ANYTHING. Double check.
Keep your sense of humor on deck. Murphy's law can get frustrating. You CHOOSE whether to be frustrated. You can also choose to laugh it the fuck off which is higher vibrational. Your choice.
Example: I reread something from the past and I was able to see how what I said could have been taken differently from what I meant. I owned that and figured out what I could do moving forward to make it right. I also saw that something I thought was said as a joke was meant seriously but said in a joking manner. These were all things from years ago that I found while I was doing something else. Had my perception of these things been different at the time, my entire reality would have been different.
Your perception can alter your entire reality. Also, you can use that information to try to jump timelines when they cycle back around if that's something you decide you want. For some, these can be small choices that have ripple effects over time. For others, these shifts can be massive and life altering.
I think this has the potential to keep happening over and over again as you sit in this energy, so make the most of it by paying attention.