How The Economist Uses Its Magazine's Front Cover as an Apocalyptic Manifestation Tool
What most people don't know about tarot is that you can just as easily use it to manifest as to divine
The above image is from The Economist’s The World in 2017 magazine, which was published in the last quarter of 2016.
A bit of background first: In 2015, Zanny Minton Beddoes, the editor-in-chief of The Economist, was one of 133 invitees to the 63rd Bilderberg conference, which is “an invitation-only meeting of top business leaders, politicians, academics, and royalty, for an informal and secret discussion of world issues.” As such, we have to assume from this that Beddoes would have been privy to any talks and machinations occurring behind closed doors and that the people at The Economist, which is partially owned by the Rothschild banking family, are likely privy to information that most other people aren’t. So, that’s kind of a no-brainer.
The use of tarot here in particular struck me as an interesting choice. What most people don't know about tarot is that you can just as easily use it to manifest as to divine by shaping the thoughts of the aggregate consciousness to lead humanity in a certain direction. Distributing a tarot cover to an audience of roughly 1.5 million across digital and print media (and multiply that by how many more see the cover than ever buy the magazine or read the articles) certainly wasn't about divining anything; this was about influencing aggregate consciousness in order to manifest something.
But what are they trying to manifest exactly?
The images are simple variations on the traditional Rider-Waite deck like any other new themed deck you’d see, so I thought I’d try an experiment - I applied my intuitive tarot reading skills to the images above to see what meaning I could pull out of these, coupled with knowing what we know and looking back.
Here are the results.
The Tower
The way we usually read the Tower card is that divine intervention comes in to shake up a situation after people have had ample time to move in the direction of some kind of course correction on their own but have failed to do so. Tower moments can be either good or bad depending upon the surrounding cards, the kind of change being brought about, and the ultimate result of that change.
Here, we see that a Tower moment occurs when tensions come to a head between Soviet Communists and conservative Christians which appears to be some form of “divine intervention” in the form of a mushroom cloud, which obviously would NOT be divine intervention - this would be a human triggered war between Russia and the United States, which is exactly what Clinton and her crew had been vying for right before she failed to take office, after which they switched to the “Russian collusion” narrative to try to impeach Trump.
The image is divided by the Tower in the center, symbolic of these contrived divide and conquer narratives and algorithms being used to deliberately manufacture strife; only the unified pose a real threat to the establishment, so in essence, they are showing everyone else how to win: Unity.
The Tower appears to be a Christian structure with the cross above the door. Is that an allusion to Martin Luther’s 95 theses or an eviction notice on the door of the Tower? The double meaning here implies that “the divine” is making way for a Communist takeover. We saw all of this divide and conquer interplay during the Floyd riots in 2020 with oligarchs, politicians, business people, and corporate entities paying off criminals via an elaborate bail money laundering scheme that funneled money from non-profit organizations to the courts to be returned to the criminals through the bail system, not back to the non-profits.
The Tower is clarified by the Death card - change, transformation, and actual death at times (although not usually - in this case, very much so). Here, we see the same mushroom cloud from the Tower card, but the Tower has completely fallen, and there are no more people. This version of Death is clearly a horseman of the apocalypse. We see war: The mushroom cloud. We see drought: The river is dried up. We see famine: The plants and fish are dead. We see pestilence: The mosquitos hovering above Death’s head are a symbol for the “contagion” lies that are spread in lieu of copping to the actual culprit of mass illness: radiation. But they do this on the sly. That bright red sun in the background... ordinarily the sun in tarot indicates happiness, but not that blood red sun. That's a reference to the true trigger for "corona."
The Judgment card is often a reference to Judgment Day or making a final choice - we see Trump depicted as a monarch presiding over the entire earth. Seems like an end times reference in which they were signaling that Trump would bring about the end... when really, they want to bring about the end as depicted in the Tower and the Death cards and pin it on Trump. (Often, the Major Arcana are also referred to as “trumps.”) Judgment is the 20 card, as in 2020. Interesting that I feel like this imagery may well have backfired on them, especially with the Magician as a clarifier here….
The Magician
The Magician is in his usual "as above, so below" pose with the infinity symbol above his head (F8 building logo on its side is now the mobius strip in Metaverse) wearing a virtual reality, or VR, helmet with a coronal halo behind his head. He is typically depicted as "having everything he needs to manifest anything he desires" with all four suits represented on the table - in this case we can see what he is manifesting: A future in which he is 3D printing what appear to be Monopoly hotels. This is in reference to DARPA technology (look into F8's history and the DARPA symposium agendas from the past two years) and the WEF’s “Great Reset,” in which “you will own nothing and you will be happy,” in concert with the "corona" ruse (which is really radiation, or toxins triggered by radiation in the case of the shots, hence all of the "sun" words during a GSM being used to cover up a 5G rollout in which 60Ghz spins oxygen molecules to cause hypoxia... there's a reason ALL pandemics have coincided with solar minima).
The World
The World card signifies “the end of a cycle” in which it is implied that the world, here depicted with symbols of secret Masonic building practices, big banking, and the Illuminati. These structures are juggling and manipulating controlled messaging via religion, culture, and education in order to influence the cycle’s end, influencing in turn the Judgment of Trump. Here, again, we see the sun with rays shooting out like a corona. It's also card 21... like 2021.
Wheel of Fortune
This is clarified by the Wheel of Fortune which brings karmic justice as it spins. The plank shoved up under the crank in front is preventing the wheel from turning. The wheel has Marine LePen, Angela Merkel, and Geert Wilders strapped to it, referencing the elections that were about to occur in France, Germany, and the Netherlands. Both ballot boxes are blue: You only have one choice. This is a reference to the political stranglehold on elections across the world: You might vote red, but they all come out blue in the end.
The Hermit
Ordinarily, the Hermit card would signify that the querent is taking a willing retreat from society in order to embark on a solo internal journey to gain spiritual mastery, growth, and accomplishment, and then return to society, either bringing it with you to live a more fulfilling life and teach others, or, in the case of this Hermit, keeping it hidden from the masses. The way his light is extended toward the moon, which is a symbol of hidden knowledge, it seems his intent would be to remain silent about what he has learned.
Here, the Hermit seems like he is self-sequestered above the masses. He uses his light to look down upon a gorge full of protesters carrying signs in opposition to the globalist agendas of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), and the European Union (EU). They are also carrying signs that simply say NO and STOP. They seem to be marching but it looks like they’re being corralled in a certain direction which reminds me of lemmings or the Pied Piper of Hamlin. It would be very difficult to turn back against the tide of that crowd.
At the base of the cliff he stands atop is the globe as a symbol for globalism, damaged and cracked open wide.
The light inside the Hermit’s lantern is the star from the Star card which he uses to light the path forward, which is interesting since the Star is in the clarifying position beneath the Hermit.
The Star
In the traditional Rider-Waite deck, the Star card follows the Tower; after a time of turmoil, a woman reaches a safe haven where all she has left is herself. She arrives there naked, not even having the clothes on her back, but she bathes in the pond and heals the wounds of the past, finding a sense of renewed hope and becoming ready to embrace whatever the future holds. She holds two containers of water. One container pours the water out to the dry land to nourish it and ensure its fertility. One foot is depicted inside the water showing the spiritual abilities and inner strength of the woman. The other foot on the ground shows her practical abilities and strengths. The card ordinarily depicts seven smaller seven-pointed stars in the sky surrounding a larger seven-pointed star above the woman at the pond; the smaller stars symbolize the chakras.
Here, we see instead a comet at the center of ten smaller eight-pointed stars and fourteen larger eight-pointed stars with faces inside of them, hovering like the disembodied souls of the dead above a barren Martian terrain, which is interesting in light of a recent quip by Jeff Bezos claiming that everyone will end up in space and Earth will turn into a sort of luxury international park where only a few will be able to go. The eight-pointed star is also a symbol of the compass rose with “rose” having the obvious connotation of being associated with Rosicrucianism whose creator is named Christian Rosenkreuz, and potentially the Georgia Guidestones, commissioned under the moniker “RC Christian,” which sport in their rules, in most languages widely spoken on Earth at any given time of which we are still aware, an obvious push toward a depopulation agenda much like the one in play currently.
We can see plainly from looking further into the symbolism on these cards that there are directives and images here which are hiding esoteric knowledge and agendas in plain sight, not just to keep those in the know aware of what is meant to occur but also to harness the aggregate consciousness of those who are unaware in order to focus their subconscious manifestation powers on a particular outcome.
Special thanks to Pum Carver.
This is so fascinating. I am so shocked the tarot were on the cover …