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Channeled Messages
Pleasant surprises involving a partnership and/or an expected surge of abundance arrive unexpectedly this spring when you remain positive and start taking co-creative baby steps toward your goals….
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You are being urged to speak up about your needs, wants, and desires. You have been putting yourself last for way too long. It’s time to forgive yourself for that and for making yourself stuck.
This is a time of uprooting from energetic stuckness in order to find and express the voice of your soul. Pay attention to your spiritual experiences. These experiences are happening in order to act as teachers and guides, to open you up to seeing pathways forward that you never knew existed.
The key here is to loosen the grip you have on what you think your future should be like, on what life should be like, on what outcomes should be. By holding on so tight to your vision for exactly how the universe is supposed to bring your blessings to you, you are tying the universe’s hands.
And really, who are you to tell God how you are supposed to receive your blessings when the blessings God has for you if you let go of control might be better than anything you ever could have imagined?
Control is just a coping mechanism for feeling defenseless. You are addicted to holding onto control too tightly. Let go of the outcome and let God in. By doing this, you will break ancestral patterns of stagnancy.
You are here to serve the world by being yourself, not by adhering to precepts that someone else came up with that have nothing to do with you or your trajectory. You need to be YOU, unabashedly. And that includes not getting in your own way and ceasing all self-sabotaging behaviors.
We’ve all heard the saying, “I made plans and then life got in the way.” The universe is trying to teach you resiliency, how to shuck and jive. Part of your mission here requires this skill as a part of your arsenal.
You’re going to have to learn to think quickly on your feet because the next stages and scenarios that are coming at you are going to necessitate this. You can ease into the shallow end of the pool by being deliberate about learning this, or you can remain stuck and face the tsunami head on when it comes at you.
The universe doesn’t care which one you choose. It only wants to move the energy. The Tao must flow. Whether you experience this as a reward or as a lesson is up to you.
But get ready - the universe is breaking broken foundations so that more solid foundations may take their place. Relax and know you are protected - and that this disturbance is part of how you are being protected.
Greet these changes with positivity. Take baby steps in co-creation with the universe to develop a new sense of what it means to create a sacred home inside yourself.
Once you get to a point where you’re solid about your perception actively creating your experience, you will discover that, instead of feeling defenseless, you will have a renewed sense of power which will become like a well of unlimited possibilities for you.
You might have a sense of shock that you didn’t see this sooner. You might feel guilty or ashamed that you kept yourself stuck instead of believing in yourself. You are being guided to drop this energy.
It’s counterproductive and you can’t be expected to be held accountable for something you had no clue was actually the codex for the way things operate and that you are in the driver’s seat.
Giving away your power to the ideas of others will only serve to cloud your vision and create a field of distortions and obstacles on the way to achieving what you set out to do when you came down here.
When you let go of these coping mechanisms, you will move into balance. Pay attention to the omens you are seeing and let the universe co-create with you.
Stop holding on so tight. It is your own creativity that will propel your mission here. You were never meant to follow in someone else’s footsteps. You were meant to follow your own blueprint. That’s why you were given one.
Start getting creative about the ways in which you are creating sacred home inwardly in order to project that manifestation into materiality. This might happen for you so fast that it feels like your sense of possibilities being unlimited for you simply clicks for you internally overnight.
Practice moving into balance and look out for omens coming in from your soul tribe. Interpret these omens through the use of your own codex, your own discernment, you own blueprint for being.
Your own inner voice is a direct line to God. Listen to it. God is already trying to help you get creative. Now, you just need to finish what you’ve started.
Clairaudience (Earworm)
A Perfect Circle - Counting Bodies Like Sheep To The Rhythms Of The War Drums
Tom Waits - Such A Scream
Release Limiting Beliefs
1143 - Always Be Positive
4411 - The Way To Financial Glory
Oracle and Tarot Cards
The Chemical Brothers - Block Rockin' Beats
Flora Cash - Soul Mate
Halsey - Dear Love, Goodbye (ft. G-Eazy)
Kesha - Praying
Madeline Kahn - I’m Tired
Marcus Marr & Chet Faker - Learning For Your Love
No Doubt - Hella Good
Nothing But Thieves - Honey Whiskey
Skinshape - I Didn't Know
ZAYN, Taylor Swift - I Don’t Wanna Live Forever
Special thanks to Risteeka.
What a great piece of advice! Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for seeing me right where I am and reminding me that I was perfect the whole time.