Australian Mainstream News Media: 'COVID cover-up: How science was silenced'
The media is copping to a tiny piece of the puzzle, but it's still based upon the trappings of the false narrative. So... what's the catch?
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In a seemingly “extraordinary” development this week, The Weekend Australian published revelations of “secret research, spin jobs and cover-ups” relating to the “COVID-19 pandemic” over the past few years.
In this YouTube copy of a TikTok video by kangaguru8 (whose account on TikTok has since been shut down), we see a man flipping through a copy of The Weekend Australian, happily commenting that the mainstream is finally reporting on the “COVID” coverup.
While the reporting remains staunchly supportive of the mainstream “COVID” narrative, it represents a slight shift in what has been an impenetrable consensus in the Australian media landscape, as well as the media landscape worldwide.
The lengthy feature article, penned by senior writer Adam Creighton, focuses on the role of “prominent virologists” in shaping the global response to “COVID-19,” and their connections to the Wuhan Institute of “Virology.”
Creighton details how “scientists” like Peter Daszak orchestrated a campaign to stifle debate on the lab leak theory by controlling publications and pressuring journals. Daszak also funneled US grant money to the Wuhan lab to conduct “risky ‘gain of function’ research on bat coronaviruses.” And yet, after 200+ FOIA requests, we still have no paper trail of any virus in history ever having been isolated or proven to cause contagion. Interesting.
The article explores the incestuous relationships between public health bodies like the WHO, leading scientific journals like The Lancet, and “virologists” with blatant conflicts of interest, one of which seems to be that their field of study is not actually a “science” at all. It shows how these tight networks collaborated to “dismiss the lab leak theory out of hand,” falsely labeling it a “conspiracy theory” (when the real smoking gun that no one will touch with a thirty foot pole is that “viruses” have never been proven to cause contagion at all).
While Creighton stops short of endorsing the lab leak hypothesis (which, again, is a lie anyway), the piece represents a stark departure from The Australian's usual dismissal of any questioning of orthodox “COVID” narratives as “misinformation.”
In publishing these “revelations,” it appears the Murdoch press is making efforts to get ahead of a shift in the prevailing winds on the “origins of COVID-19” (CGI?) - into another false narrative that still supports the Hegelian dialectic we have been fed for the past four years. With more “scientists” now “acknowledging a lab leak is plausible, if not likely,” The Australian can now point back to having covered this angle, claiming some sort of backhanded due diligence on the angle they are now sanctioned to cover - which is still patently false. (There is no wonder people have such difficulty keeping all of this straight. The layering of subterfuge on top of subterfuge is masterful, to be honest.)
The piece ultimately serves to direct blame towards a few bad apples like Daszak, rather than scrutinizing the societal and institutional failings that enabled them, including widespread public idiocy. It focuses narrowly (and irrelevantly) on the question of “bio-safety at the Wuhan lab,” rather than broader issues around how “gain of function” research has been doctored to create a paper trail of misdirection to lead us away from the fact that no virus in history has even been proven to cause contagion.
And of course, it studiously avoids any mention of the funding directed towards these “ethically dubious viral experiments” by Dr. Anthony Fauci’s NIAID (which were likely experiments on toxins and the proliferation of toxins, not “viruses,” as we are told - so that’s even more to unpack). That would be several steps too far for Rupert Murdoch’s flagship broadsheet.
So while this reporting nudges open the Overton Window of acceptable dissent on COVID ever so slightly (on a scale from one to Stasi East Germany), it is far from a full recanting of the media's role in denigrating skeptics, unquestioningly amplifying official narratives, and simply feeding us line of shit after line of shit.
The Australian “remains fully committed to supporting pandemic measures and the urgency of mass vaccination.” Its editors are no doubt anxious to avoid fueling “vaccine hesitancy,” a darkly hilarious notion when you’re in on the ruse that the shots are causing the illnesses they claim to prevent. And, surely, the bought-and-paid-for Fourth Estate will continue misdirecting opprobrium at those who “challenge the fundamentals of the COVID orthodoxy.”
Nonetheless, this creeping acknowledgement of realities long apparent to an extremely small percentage of critical observers may represent a strange turning point of sorts for our captured post-Mockingbird media.
The question is: how far will our press go in honestly investigating the pandemic and its myriad political and economic agendas? Will they stop at sporadically challenging a few high profile figures like Fauci, while leaving larger power structures and relationships intact?
Or will the Australian media summon the courage to truly expose the matrix of technocratic control, corrupted science, and pharmaceutical corporatism driving “COVID” policy? Will they reveal the financial conflicts underpinning the whole enterprise? And will they, most importantly, let the public in on the ruse of contagion altogether?
Based on past performance, I won't be holding my breath. Our media's legacy taste for limited hangout truth-telling strikes me as little more than an exercise in managed catharsis, a pressure valve to sate the public's building blood lust for justice and hunger for answers, while keeping the bulk of the “COVID” industrial complex steaming safely ahead.
Most of the darkest chapters of the “COVID” fairy tale are yet unread. But perhaps a page has now been turned, however reluctantly. Where it leads remains to be seen. Until our media stops acting as stenographers to power and begins speaking truth to it, any enlightenment will remain strictly incremental.
Special thanks to Ernest Chorabik.
Well put forth! A sub is coming! Nothing, it seems, causes contagion. They have tried and tried to get well People sick by subjecting Them to sick People. Despite thousands experimented on, in some cases in a ghastly way (completely unnatural, like injecting mucus into some of Them), ZERO fell ill.
The only One in history that "proved" contagion was Rockefeller's pal, Pasteur. He did it, per His posthumously published journals, by adding toxins to the stuff He had People drink to make Them sick. They knew back then that contagion was debunked, but Rocky sure wanted the fear factor.
For Any who have not read My look into the "deadly" issue, I offer it here:
A Post to Be Viral (article):
Wait till the shot contamination issues come out- at this rate of "journalistic integrity", in about another 3+ years🤔🤔😐🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️